Worry and Trust Don't Mix: An Object Lesson

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Worry and Trust Don't Mix: An Object LessonThis is an object lesson to demonstrate how our hearts cannot be fully trusting the Lord and be full of worry at the same time.  At the close of this article you will find a list of Bible passages which could be the focus of the lesson to be taught alongside this object lesson.
Materials needed:

  • Cooking Oil
  • Water
  • 3 clear containers (2 smaller and 1 larger)
  • Food Coloring
  • Tape
  • Sharpie marker

Tip: The size of the containers and the amount of liquids is up to you.  If presenting in front of a large group of children, it would be best to use large containers and a large amount of liquid to make the containers easier to see.  It would also be best for the third container to be larger than the first two.
Object Lesson:

  1. “Today I brought with me some supplies which each of you could find in your own home.  First, I brought some cooking oil.”
  2. Hold up the oil and pour some into one of the smaller clear containers.  “This oil is going to represent worry.”  Write the word worry on a piece of tape as a label for the container.  Stick the tape to the container, so the children can see it.
  3. “What does it mean to worry?”  Take some responses from the kids.
  4. “Worry is when we are afraid or concerned because we do not know what is going to happen.”
  5. “I also brought with me some water.”  Pour some water into a second clear container.
  6. “I am going to add some food coloring to the water to make it easier for you to see.”  Add a few drops of food coloring to the water depending on the amount of water used and stir until evenly mixed.
  7. “This water represents trusting God.”  Write the word trust on a piece of tape as a label for the container.  Stick the tape to the container, so the children can see it.
  8. “What does it mean to trust God?”  Take responses from the children.
  9. “Trusting God means that we remember He is in control and knows everything.  We don’t need to be afraid because God is taking care of us.”
  10. “Does God want us to worry or to trust in Him?  Can we trust God and worry at the same time?”
  11. “Let’s let our ‘worry’ and ‘trust’ show us the answer.  Can trust and worry mix?  Can they blend and be happening at the same time?”
  12. Pour some of the oil and water into the third container at the same time.  The oil and water will appear to mix at first.  But, as the children watch they will slowly see the two separate with the oil resting on top of the water.
  13. Hold up the third container for the children to see.  “From looking at our demonstration of worry and trust, can the two be mixed together and happen at the same time?”
  14. “No, our hearts cannot be fully trusting God and worrying at the same time.  The two do not mix.”
  15. “God wants us to trust in Him whenever we are tempted to worry because He cares for us.  He is in control and knows about everything that has happened in the past, is happening now in the present, and ever will happen in the future.  God is more than worthy of our full trust.”

Scripture Passages to use alongside this object lesson:

  • Psalm 37:1-7
  • Psalm 62:6-8
  • Proverbs 3:5-6
  • Isaiah 12:2
  • Matthew 6:25-34
  • Philippians 4:6-7
  • 1 Peter 5:7

These passages could be used to supplement the object lesson.  Or you may be teaching a lesson on one of these passages and desire to use the object lesson as a supplement.

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1 thought on “Worry and Trust Don't Mix: An Object Lesson”

  1. I am teaching the Deborah and Barak story today from the book of Judges. This object lesson goes well with this story as Barak was worried about fighting the Canaanites, even though the Lord, through Deborah, said He would give the victory to the Israelites. Barak said he would lead the armies if Deborah would come with him.Deborah said she would, but that Barak would not get the credit for the defeat because he did not trust God and was worried. The credit would go to a woman, Jael. Thank you for this idea!!!

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