Hidden Treasure: Wisdom Lesson from Proverbs

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This free Bible lesson for children teaches the importance of Wisdom based on Proverbs 2:1-15. It was first prepared for a Children’s Church setting but would work well as Sunday School lesson about wisdom. The children will discover that wisdom is a hidden treasure given by God. This lesson plan also includes several case studies and other learning activities to connect the message with real life.

Bible Passage: Proverbs 2: 1-15
Bible Story Title: “Finding the Hidden Treasure:  Wisdom according to Proverbs 2”
Target Age Group: 1st– 6th grade
Target Time Frame: 45 minutes – 1 hour
Original Teaching Context: Children’s Church
Printer Friendly Bible Lesson: [print_link] this lesson plan
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Supply List: paper, pencils, Bible, chalkboard/whiteboard, Bible verses hidden around your space, shoeboxes or tissue boxes (1 for each child), art materials, list of Bible verse references (optional)
Learning Goal: Following the lesson, children will identify the benefits of wisdom and also distinguish between wisdom and the lack thereof.
Learning Indicator: By identifying wisdom and folly in case scenarios.  By listing the benefits of wisdom on an art project.
Learning Activity #1: Distribute paper and pencils to students to jot down notes as they are listening.  Divide them into two groups.  One group will listen for “If/Then” statements.  The second group will listen for “Benefits of Wisdom.”  Read Proverbs 2:1-15 slowly, emphasizing the conditional elements and benefits of searching for wisdom.  Have the students share their findings and write them out as a visual.  Here is a paraphrased reference for your convenience:
If… we accept God’s word and obey
If… we listen for wisdom and search for it
If… we understand that wisdom is like a great treasure
Then…we will respect God and know Him well.

  • Victory
  • Safety/Protection
  • Understanding
  • Knowledge
  • Discretion:  Understanding of right/wrong
  • Guidance/Direction

Learning Activity #2: Reiterate Proverbs 2:6:  “For the Lord gives wisdom, and from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.”  In small groups of 3-4, have the students brainstorm ways that we can grow in wisdom.  Ask for volunteers to share their findings.  Here are some examples:

  1. Trust Jesus as our Savior and honor God.
  2. Read His word, since the Bible teaches us how to find wisdom.
  3. Make right choices.
  4. Stay away from wrong choices (sin).
  5. If we do sin, ask for forgiveness and learn from our mistakes.

Read the following statements.  Have the students make a W (by slanting both arms in the air) if the statement shows someone exercising wisdom.  Have them cross their arms and shake their heads if the statement shows someone lacking wisdom (LW).

  1. Even though Damien had been coming to church for a while, he realized that he had never invited Jesus to be his Lord and Savior.  He decided to make a decision to follow God.  (W)
  2. Cara could never understand her Bible, so she quit trying to read it.  (LW)
  3. Ivette knew she was wrong when she stole her friend’s money, so she returned it and asked for forgiveness.   She never stole anything after that.  (W)
  4. Trent didn’t understand his Bible either, but he kept trying.  He read it in small parts and he asked questions when he didn’t get it.  He couldn’t believe some of the stories that were in there!  (W)
  5. Derek wasn’t prepared for the test, so he cheated.  He knew it was wrong, but it got him good grades without having to work hard, so he kept doing it.  (LW)
  6. While Ji Yeong was at a friend’s house, the friend started playing a video game that Ji Yeong’s mom would not have liked.  Since he knew it was wrong, he ended up leaving right away.  (W)
  7. Samantha loved being popular, wearing name brand clothes, and getting everyone’s attention.  The Bible, in her opinion, was old and didn’t have anything good to say.  Besides, her favorite TV shows told her how to act anyway.  (LW)
  8. Tracy had a lot of friends.  Sometimes they didn’t always do what was right.  When she was around them, she made bad decisions too.  She decided to hang out more with the friends that helped her follow God.  (W)
  9. Micah hated getting up for church in the mornings.  His parents always made him get dressed up and go anyway.  Whenever his teacher started talking about God’s word, he always tuned her out and thought about playing hockey instead.  (LW)
  10. After a Vacation Bible School talk, Melody felt like she should pray to accept Jesus into her heart.  But she was afraid about what other people would think, so she decided against it.  She still doesn’t know Jesus today.  (LW)

Learning Activity #3: To emphasize the importance of God’s word for growing in wisdom, have the students go on a Treasure Hunt for Bible verses that you have hidden around the room.
Learning Activity #4/Test: Have the students create a Treasure Chest for Bible verses.  Every student will need one shoebox or tissue box to transform.  They can paint it, attach stickers/ foam pieces, or decorate with glitter glue or tissue paper.  (Use whatever you have available.)  As a test, have them write the benefits of wisdom (discussed earlier) on the outside of the box.  Inside, they can place the Bible verses that they found in the Treasure Hunt.  Encourage the children to find one Bible verse a day to think about and place in their Treasure Chest.  (You may even want to give them a list of pertinent Bible verse references, based on passages that you have been or will be studying in class.)

Need More Ideas? Then browse our list of children’s ministry games or view all our free Bible lessons for children.

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