Why Kids Need a Children's Pastor

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Why Kids Need a Children's Pastor
Kids need you, children’s pastor. Really, they do. You’re not just a guy with a cool title. Not just a woman who loves kids–you are anointed, called and were created for this purpose: To nurture, advocate for and encourage young believers. For you, children’s ministry isn’t just a faze–that’s because it’s in your DNA. It’s not a stepping stone to the next thing or a bigger title. It’s who you are. Today, I am writing to you because I want to encourage you to continue to fight the good fight. I know it wears on you. I know at times you feel inadequate, unequipped and unappreciated. Believe me, I know.
I have served children since 1996 so I do know how you feel. I have heard things like, “Is having a children’s pastor even biblical?” or “Anyone can do that. You just act like a big kid.” Those are among the nicer things I have heard but it didn’t release me from my call. God heard all that too and He didn’t say, “Ow, that hurt. Tell you what, go home. You don’t have to do this anymore.” No, he didn’t say that at all. Jesus said, “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me before it hated you.” John 15:18
Sometimes, the ministries I worked with didn’t provide me with the materials I needed. Often I had to create my own material or ransack dollar stores to find supplies. Many times, my ministry was the last on the list for fresh paint or even basic repairs. But did God allow me to go home then? Nope. He would ask me the question, “Don’t you love me?”
Quickly I would answer, “Yes, Lord!”
He’d say, “Feed my sheep.”
Well, there goes that. Over the years, other scenarios have occurred that shook me. I won’t even review them here-they just aren’t worth it. I am sure you have seen and heard plenty yourself. But you’re still here. And the kids need you.
Don’t listen to the doubters. They don’t know what they are talking about. Don’t let Satan discourage you, not in any way, shape or form. You are a mighty warrior for God! I know your arms are tired but keep hugging. I know your heart is heavy but keep letting it be touched by the Hand of God. I know you feel like you’ve burned the candle at both ends for too long but you can’t give up–not now! It is time to take a look at your priorities, to rest in Him, to refill your heart with His Spirit. You should do all those things but don’t give up. You are the key to changing the future. You can do it! And you are not alone.
Read more from Mimi by following her blog at Tools for Kids Church.
Don’t miss our other encouraging articles for your ministry.

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12 thoughts on “Why Kids Need a Children's Pastor”

  1. Amen, Mimi! Regardless of what our “title” may or may not be, being in children’s ministry is hard and wearing, but Oh, so worth it! Thank you for that encouraging email and all of your helpful posts. 🙂

  2. Wow, I really needed to be reminded of those things today. God is so faithful to us, he is always on time.
    Thank you for the encouraging words.
    Blessings to you and your ministry.

  3. WOW! I needed the uplift thank you for continuing to encourage your brothers and sisters whom are in this ministry. May God continue to bless you and your ministry. Gratefully, His servant

  4. I have always had a place in my heart for kids-gifted to work with kids-I feel more than ever these
    past couple of years an intense desire to help those kids in our church-all,but especially those
    whose parents have no interest at all in the Lord or their kids-always thinking of the message or the
    handout or the verse or meager activity to hold onto them for the Lord-I know God can break
    through-seems so much hinders helping them-that phrase Feed my sheep has special meaning

  5. Your words are really touching and truthfully, you just made me change my mind cause I was about telling my church pastor that I would love to change my department in church! Thanks and God continue to bless you.

  6. Thank you! I love reading the words God has placed on your heart. Sometimes I feel it is meant just for me:)

  7. Thank you so much, i needed so much of theses words. It happened to me last Sunday that a parent came to me and said that the children dont hear the preaching etc and they just come for the eucharist only with really as if the children are just absent. I really felt that her child is coming to Sunday School for nothing ( she thinks) and i really felt sad and discouraged that its so sad that parents think that we do nothing in Sunday School, you see.
    God knows me and my heart and He knows what i want for these children…
    Thank you again for the enciuragement and i pray that God bless ypu and protects you all time

  8. Thanks for your encouragement to Christian and children ministers at times I fill discourage because the pastors will not corporate and it makes the work difficult. We must stand for Christ and the children we are on good course.

  9. Thank you Mimi that was so encouraging and yes we need to stay focussed on what God has called us to do and not on what parents or even our church wants us to do.

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