Who is God Calling to the Church Nursery?

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Cute Baby in Nursery
Philippians 4:19 tells us that our God will “meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.”  What an awesome verse.  Did you notice that it said “ALL” your needs?  Do you think this even means your need for nursery workers?
If we believe that God provides for the needs of His church, then we should expect every church has people called to minister in the nursery. Here are some groups that we have identified who are often called to serve.
–  Grandparents: These days many families do not live close to each other.  Grandparents may not have the chance to grow up close to their grandbabies.  Now, don’t be tempted to think just 80 year old grandparents.  Recruit from the generation that are in their 50’s and 60’s.  While you may need to train them on some of the things we do differently today, they should be very comfortable with little ones.
–  Mamas who need a baby fix:  Lots of times moms with older preschoolers or elementary age kids start feeling the need for a baby to hold, but they are not in a life stage where they want to add another one to their home.  However, snuggling babies once a week can take care of that “baby itch”.  Also, they are well aware of how parents want their little ones cared for.
–  College kids:  While they will require some training, college aged kids usually love cute little ones.  And what better preparation for their future than having experience with babies early on?  If you can help them catch the vision early on for the importance of nursery ministry, you could create a volunteer who impacts babies for generations to come.
–  Parents of teenagers:  Parents of teens need a break from backtalk and drama.  Working in the nursery can remind them that their own kids were once sweet.  🙂  Though you may not want to mention it to them, it can also prepare them for grandparenthood.  Give these parents an opportunity to be refreshed by little ones who still need them, while their teenagers are becoming more and more independent.
What other groups come to mind when talking about the church nursery? Leave a comment below to share your ideas.

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