What Is Your Church Doing About the Haiti Earthquakes?

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I have been watching a lot of news the last few day, trying to keep up with the situation in Haiti. The more I watch, the worse the it seems to get. I feel a burden to do something to help the people who are suffering so badly right now. It reminders me of this Bible verse.

But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him? 1 John 3:17 ESV

Our church has some connections with the people of Haiti and we’ve taken several trips to support an orphanage outside the city of Beloc. In fact, we have a trip that was set to go out in 3 weeks, but that time frame will not work now.
I just saw a picture on Facebook of a little orphan girl named Atanie being held by one of our church members. We found out last night that the girl has died.
This kind of thing really makes it real for me. It makes me wonder how the world keeps going like normal while millions are suffering this very minute.

What Is Your Church Doing?

I’d like to know what your church is planning to do about Haiti. I feel like we all have a duty to help those in need, especially our Christian brothers & sisters in this nearby nation. Will you be taking a special offering? Will you be sending relief workers? Are you holding special prayer services?

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