Podcast #9: VBS Tips from Shannon at Group VBS

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It’s only November, why are you talking about VBS?
The short answer is you can’t start planning too early. For the longer answer, you should listen to this podcast. In this episode I talk with Shannon Velasquez who plans VBS training all across the country. She was the one who invited me to attend their PandaMania field test last summer.
It’s always fun to meet the people behind kids ministry curriculum, especially when they approach their work as real ministry. Shannon has a contagious joy that comes through in this podcast.
Directions: To listen to this 22 minute audio recording, just press play below or download the MP3 file to your computer. You can also subscribe to our podcasts on iTunes.

Shannon having fun at “PandaMania” VBS

Among other topics, we talked about the challenges many churches are facing in their VBS ministry. She gave some helpful tips about planning and making the most of your decorating money. We also talked about what Group is trying to do differently with their Vacation Bible School curriculum. She had some great ideas on being intentional with your ministry and making sure kids get the message.
For more about Group VBS, you can visit their official website or facebook page. I’ve also posted my preview video from the PandaMania field test. For more from Shannon, check out her VBS decorating tips from YouTube.

Need More VBS Tips? Then browse all our articles about planning Vacation Bible School or read 10 reasons why VBS still matters.

New Sunday School Curriculum: Our Bible lessons are designed to keep the kids’ attention and show how God's Word makes a difference. Every series is flexible enough for a wide-age group and affordable enough for small churches. Download a free Bible lesson in pdf or view our latest Sunday School curriculum for small churches.

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