"The Greatest Valentine" Preschool Bible Lesson about God's Love

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Here is a simple lesson plan to use with preschool aged children. It would be ideal as a Valentine lesson for preschool kids at church. Like all our resources, it is 100% free for you to use in church, home, or school. This lesson includes a craft suggestion and a free coloring page from our website. Click here to leave feedback about this lesson.

Jesus Loves You: The Greatest Valentine!

We also have a John 3:16 coloring page for Valentine’s Day.

Target Age: 2-5
Scripture Focus: John 3:16 (you can also use any other verses pertaining to Jesus’ love for us for this lesson)
Preparation: Before class, make a large Valentine out of poster board.  You can cut it in the shape of a heart if you wish.  Write inside, “Jesus Loves You!”
Suggested Story: Use your favorite children’s story Bible Jesus and select a story about Jesus’ love for us. With my group I would used “Jesus Loves You” from 100 Bible Stories 100 Bible Songs by Stephen Elkins.
Suggested Preschool Song: “Jesus Loves Me” or “Jesus Loves all the little Children.”  The storybook I mention above has a song titled “For God So Loved the World” on the CD.
After singing, have children get all their wiggles out.  Have them jump up and down.  Have them twirl around.  Have them stretch to the floor; have them stretch to the ceiling.  Then have them sit cris-cross applesauce on the floor.
Teaching Plan: Who can tell me what holiday we are celebrating this week?  (Children respond).  That’s right, we are celebrating Valentine’s Day.  What are some things we do to celebrate Valentine’s Day?  Kids will probably respond with things like: giving Valentine cards, having parties at school, eating Valentine candy, etc.  Those are all things we can do to celebrate Valentine’s Day.
Well, today I brought with me this really big Valentine!  Let me read you a short story from our Bible storybook.  After reading story, explain to children that the greatest Valentine ever came from God!  Do you know, boys and girls, that the greatest Valentine we could ever receive came from God?  He loved us so much that He gave His only son Jesus to us!  He sent Jesus to die on the cross for our sins.  Isn’t that amazing?
Here’s what this valentine says (open Valentine Card): “Jesus Loves You!”   Jesus loves each of you so much that He was willing to give up His life and die on the cross so that we can live eternally with Him in heaven.  Do you know how we can do that?  We can accept His Valentine gift to us!  We can tell Jesus that we love Him and want to serve Him and ask Him to live in our hearts.  That’s what it means to accept His Valentine!  I’m thankful today that the greatest Valentine I’ve ever received came from God!
Bible Verse: Say verse with children.  Have them repeat it after you.  Say it fast, say it slow, say it loud, say it soft.
Prayer: Pray with the children and thank God for each child in your class today.  Thank Him for the greatest Valentine ever!
Craft: Children can make Valentine Cards for their parents, friends, teachers, etc. out of construction paper, markers and stickers.  Always have additional coloring sheets or activities such as play-doh available for those who finish early.
Don’t miss all our free kids ministry resources for Valentine’s Day.

New Sunday School Curriculum: Our Bible lessons are designed to keep the kids’ attention and show how God's Word makes a difference. Every series is flexible enough for a wide-age group and affordable enough for small churches. Download a free Bible lesson in pdf or view our latest Sunday School curriculum for small churches.

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