Valentine Photo Booth Ideas for Kids

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Valentine Photo Booth Ideas for Kids
No matter how carefully I plan, I nearly always have some extra time left in my kids’ church, even after the lesson components. As Pastor Bill Wilson once said, “If you don’t put on a program for your kids, they’ll put one on for you.” The idea of “free time” in class is great but even these social opportunities need some structure or purpose. So what’s the solution? I find a fun activity like a dress up station or a photo booth is a great idea! It’s the perfect time to snap photos for your next newsletter or bulletin, take pics with your kids or just make one child feel special. This Valentine’s Day, have a Valentine photo booth available for kids and parents. (With my creative volunteer team, this is also another way to keep my artsy team member focused and involved.)
Section off a small portion of wall in your kids church or if you can, use a refrigerator box as a photo booth. What fun! Try these ideas for props and photo booth decorations.
The Giant Heart: A piece of foamboard, two to three feet wide makes the perfect giant heart. Paint the heart red then using black paint write, “God Loves Me!” in the center of the heart. Kids can hold the heart as they take a picture in the photo booth.
Picture Frame: If you can get your hands on a giant picture frame without the glass–that’s perfect. Spray paint it a bright red, silver of gold. Kids can hold the frame like they are a living picture.
Fake Cake: Ask a crafty volunteer to make a “fake cake” from fabric and foam. There are tons of ideas on Pinterest that you could use as inspiration. Kids can hold the fake cake or pretend to put it on their head for a pic.
Heart Eye Glasses: Have a pair of giant heart-shaped eye glasses handy? These make fine props for a Valentine’s Day photo booth.
Tiaras: All little girls love wearing tiaras. Have a few handy for the princesses in your kids’ church.
Valentine Clothesline: Make a clothesline on the wall and pin the letters, GOD LOVES ME to it. I use paper letters and clothespins.
Fairy Lights: You can’t beat a set of pink, red or white lights for a photo booth. (I had plenty leftover from Christmas!)
Explore your creative side! Photo booths are fun and easy to create.
Read more from Mimi by following her blog at Tools for Kids Church.

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