Trackers of Truth Startup Kit (4 Lesson FREE sample)

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We’re bringing back Free Stuff Friday to feature some great projects from our amazing ministry partners.
This post was a giveaway from Seedbed Kids. The giveaway is over but don’t miss the 4 free lessons on their website you can download free today.
What do you think? Watch the video below and them leave a comment to let us know what you think.

New Sunday School Curriculum: Our Bible lessons are designed to keep the kids’ attention and show how God's Word makes a difference. Every series is flexible enough for a wide-age group and affordable enough for small churches. Download a free Bible lesson in pdf or view our latest Sunday School curriculum for small churches.

22 thoughts on “Trackers of Truth Startup Kit (4 Lesson FREE sample)”

  1. Looking for a good video series to use at our kids adventures next summer. How long is each video?

  2. Fantastic! I love the farm theme and think this will be wonderful material for the children to learn from and enjoy.

  3. Hi. Very interesting but I didn’t glean any information from it what it was all about. I did look at the link and saw what the lessons were about. Because of the promotion of maybe winning some curriculum, I am responding. But if I were just randomly looking for lessons to buy, I wouldn’t click on anything because this promo makes me think it might be a lot of fluff more than Bible. I really couldn’t catch what it was supposed to be about….When I’m looking for curriculum, I see so many things I don’t have the time or energy to explore deeply to discover something wonderful. You have to really catch my interest right away….
    It isn’t a positive comment, I know but I do hope it will be helpful in the long run…

  4. Cute lesson promo. Will definitely be checking it out. Think this will catch the kids attention because it’s different than anything we’ve had in the past. Thanks!

  5. Cute video but I was hoping to see a little of an actual lesson so I could determine if it is Scriptural. However, it is something I would be interested in looking into for the classes I teach. In todays fast-paced world where technology has taken preference over books and hands-on projects, good quality, Scriptural videos are needed now more than ever.

  6. I’m always looking for quality materials for the children at our small church. I’ve downloaded the 4 lessons to check out later. Thanks for the preview.
    <> After the random drawing Janet is the winner!!! We’ve notified her by email. Thanks to everyone for their feedback and participation.

  7. Hey! Thanks for the feedback. I work with Seedbed and am on the development team of Trackers. We were limited in the information to share for the giveaway, but we have a lot more details available at In the Preview area of the menu, you’ll get a much better sense of the scope of the product and the material. It’s a really deep curriculum that sticks close to Scripture. If you have any questions, let me know!

  8. This looks like a fun video series to use with the younger children of my church. I watched the preview with my 14 month old son, and he appeared to enjoy it. He was definitely engaged and even tapped his hands and feet to the music.

  9. I love this! I’m a Children’s Minister and I believe children would love this approach. I will be looking into it as soon as it comes out. Truly awesome!

  10. It looks like its going to be really cute and entertaining. I enjoy all of the bible lesson you have and I really appreciate your ministry in aiding small and or beginning churches with little to no budget for their children’s ministry. Thank you!

  11. I love this idea of time travel, the kids will relate well to this concept! Just this short video had me smiling. The farm guys will be very relatable to our farming community.

  12. This looks like it would be great in teaching biblical truths to any size group of children and that even the youngest would be able to understand and take something with them. Plus, who does not like cartoons characters. Look forward to seeing more.

  13. Elementary kids would enjoy this series if the creativity continues throughout. I think it is good that it is short and an exciting motivation for the rest of the lesson.

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