Top 50 Family Ministry Blogs

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Most popular family ministry blogsI’m a little slow in posting this, but I wanted to thank Sam Luce for compiling this helpful list of blogs about family ministry. It’s always fun to see a quality list of websites all on one page. He even gave a mention to our website. (Thanks Sam!)

Besides the honor of being listed, let me point out a few of my favorites on the list. Nothing against the others, but these are the ones that are familiar to me personally. These are also some of the people I’ve met in person, aka offline friends.
#48 Heidi Hensley – I met her once and still wish my family could attend her church. What are a few thousand miles to commute on Sunday morning?
#45 Jenny Funderburke – Jenny writes for our site occasionally and has always answered the phone when I call for advice.
#28 Wayne Stocks – Wayne is a long time friend and used to write for our site too. His content is still some of the best we’ve posted.
#26 Amy Dolan – I have nothing funny to say about her, not sure what that indicates. Either way, people from Chicago are automatically cool.
#27 Matt Mckee – I was honored to be his sidekick around downtown Nashville one night, nothing like fries from Hard Rock Cafe.
#21 Amy Fenton Lee – Amy is a good friend and good for a laugh with her crazy stories about ministry. I’d pay just to read her blog.
#18 Karl Bastian – Karl is the like Yoda to all kid’s ministry bloggers. He’ll also pick you up at the airport if you’re in a pinch!
Another blog that was overlooked (likely by accident) was the excellent Family Ministry Today from Southern Seminary.

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