Time Capsule Ideas for Kids' Church

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OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWondering how you can mark the New Year in children’s church? A time capsule is a capital idea! What a fun tradition to open and replace a time capsule each year.  This activity is good for any class size and even younger children will find this New Year activity fun. With a time capsule, you can teach kids valuable lessons about waiting on God and overcoming obstacles. You can customize your time capsule any way you like but even a handy shoebox makes a good time capsule holder. Once you’ve decided on how to decorate your time capsule it’s time to think about the contents. Use these suggestions to get started stuffing your time capsule.
Group pictures: You can’t bury or hide that capsule without a group picture. Gather all the volunteers and kids for a group photo. You’ll need to print it and place it inside the box.
Prayer requests: Give kids slips of paper and ask them to write down their prayer requests. Fold the papers in half and place them inside a jar, like a Mason jar. This should go in the box. Be sure and prayer over those requests before closing the box. When you open the box next year, you’ll have the perfect opportunity to talk about those requests. In some cases, kids will easily see that God has answered their prayers. In other cases, you may have to encourage kids to persevere in prayer.
Favorites list: Before you close the box, fill out a class favorites list. Ask kids what their favorite worship song is, favorite snack, favorite scripture, favorite bible story. Write down the most popular of each. Kids will find it funny next year to hear the answers.
Things to achieve: Perhaps your children’s church has wanted to “adopt” a child but hasn’t done so yet. That should go on the “things to achieve” list. Talk about what you want you to achieve together and talk about how you can make it happen!
A time capsule is a great way to demonstrate how God moves on the behalf of His people. Instead of burying the time capsule, put it up in an out-of-the-way place until next year.
Read more from Mimi by visiting her Tools for Kids Church.

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