Three Cutting Edge VBS Theme Ideas

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Vacation Bible School is an exciting time for a church or ministry. The opportunity to meet new children and adults is always exciting for volunteers and the leadership. Choosing the right VBS theme for your event is important to your success. There is nothing wrong or amiss with using VBS kits. These are good resource tools perfect for some. For people who have a more creative bent or just welcome a challenge try using your own personalized VBS theme idea. If your group of kids is mesmerized by the latest movies like “Transformers” it might be beneficial to use images, God style, to keep their attention. Obviously, showing the movie which is filled with violent images and questionable themes is out of the question. Instead present kids scriptural ideas that are relevant to current culture without compromising your principles. Cutting edge VBS theme ideas take a little thought and work, but the payoff could be terrific.

Transformers VBS

“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of the world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” This scripture from Romans 12:2 shows kids that transformation is possible with God. Use giant cardboard robots in blue and red in your decorating scheme. Another good lesson to teach kids is that like the movie, things are not always what they seem. Evil is often hidden from us until we fall into a sin trap. Have robot games and give teams Autobot names.

Prince of Egypt VBS

The animated film the “Prince of Egypt” is the perfect backdrop for a VBS theme. Show the film in clips to set up teachers’ classrooms. During the VBS, have kids make items to put into an Egyptian/Hebrew Museum. Displays showing the ten plagues of Egypt or an old map of Moses route out of Egypt are good ideas. Make hieroglyphics from foam sheeting to place in your museum. On the last day of the VBS invite parents to come view the museum artifacts the children made. This theme is perfect for introducing the Moses story and the concept of Biblical history and archaeology to children.

Wild Things

The book of James is loaded with imagery about the tongue’s dangers. Invite kids to come see the “Wild Thing.” This is a nice play on the movie “Where the Wild Things Are.” Have empty cages and cardboard boxes sealed that say “Do Not Open.” Teach kids about the dangers of the tongue and how the Holy Spirit is willing to help them control what they say. Teach kids that lying and cursing are things the tongue is prone to do. But according to the scriptures it is out of the heart that the abundance of the heart speaks. Teach kids that keeping their heart full of God’s Word will keep a tongue in check.

Need More VBS Ideas? Then browse all our tips for planning Vacation Bible School, you can also follower our 2010 VBS theme reviews. You might also like our free Vacation Bible school curriculum.

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