This Week in Children’s Ministry for 10/28/2009

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It’s Wednesday again, and that means another roundup of interesting and helpful kids minsitry links. This is a great way to stay current with trends and news related to children’s ministry. Enjoy!
We Love Lists! There is something about a list that grabs my attention.

  • 10 Ways to Help Your Child Make Friends at Church from one of the Awana blogs
  • 10 Ways to Build a Children’s Ministry Team from CM Connect
  • Kids Ministry Resources 101 from Sam Luce (thanks for the mention)
  • 3 Dangers of Contributing to God’s Plan from Jonathan Cliff

Awkward: This is the new pet phrase circulating at our Christian school. Just for fun I’m using it to describe the following links.

  • Alice in Bibleland – creative maybe, but a little awkward when she asks too many questions about Jacobs wives.
  • Bible stories can be very awkward when they deal with grow-up themes, here are a few tips for the Bible stories that make you nervous.
  • Karl Bastian is one of my favorite kids ministry people and his new cookbook looks very creative. But the rap music in his video is a bit awkward with the French chef hat.

Crunching Numbers: Budget time is here at many churches, here are some helpful tips about your kids ministry budgets.

  • Budgeting 101: Step-by-Step Budgeting – Part 2 from North Point Kids
  • Budgeting 101: Helpful Hints and a Sample Budget Structure – Part 3 from North Point Kids
  • Our tips about your Children’s Ministry Budget

Choices: Here are a few practical ideas for making big decisions.

  • Maybe it’s time to think about naming Your Children’s Ministry.
  • When is it time to leave your current ministry position?
  • How many copies of the new Jelly Telly DVDs should I budget to buy?

You’re a Winner: Ryan Frank reflects on the value of motivating kids to reach spiritual milestones.
Leadership Conference: Henry Zonio blogged like a wild man to bring these helpful notes from the Global Leadership Conference.

  • Global Leadership Summit
  • Global Leadership Summit Session 1 – Bill Hybels
  • Global Leadership Summit Session 2 – Bono
  • Global Leadership Summit Session 3 – Wes Stafford
  • Global Leadership Summit Session 4 – David Gergen
  • Global Leadership Summit Session 5 – Gary Hamel
  • Global Leadership Summit Session 6 – Jessica Jackley
  • Global Leadership Summit Session 7 – Chip and Dan Heath

Rock & Roll: Wayne Stocks is becoming my default video spotter.

Want More? Then check out the Big List of Children’s Ministry Blogs

New Sunday School Curriculum: Our Bible lessons are designed to keep the kids’ attention and show how God's Word makes a difference. Every series is flexible enough for a wide-age group and affordable enough for small churches. Download a free Bible lesson in pdf or view our latest Sunday School curriculum for small churches.

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