The Golden Egg Easter Object Lesson

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Easter is just around the corner and I am so excited! In celebration of my favorite holiday I have a few object lessons to share with you. It won’t take but a few supplies to teach but the end result should make a powerful impact on your class. In this “golden egg” object lesson, I talk about the power of the cross and how anyone who wants to be saved can be. I recommend using the following verses with this lesson:
“If you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” (Romans 9:9)
“Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them.” (Hebrews 7:25)
What You’ll Need

  • One large egg
  • Gold spray paint
  • Small prize

If you can’t find a gold-colored egg then you can spray paint an egg with gold paint. Be sure and let it dry completely before you handle it.
Prepare to Teach
Before class, hide the egg somewhere. It should not be too easy to find.
Let’s Teach
Okay everyone! Hidden somewhere in this room is a golden egg! Golden eggs are so special. They always have a cool prize inside of them. Have you ever found a golden egg at an Easter egg hunt? (Let kids answer.) So what we’re going to do is this: I am going to call you one at a time. If I call your name, you will have sixty seconds to find the egg. If you cannot find it in sixty seconds, you will go back to your chair and the next person will search. If you spot the egg, keep it quiet. Don’t tell anyone. You ready? (Call the name of a random child. Use your phone or a clock to track the time. Let the kids search until someone finds the golden egg.) Looks like you found it! Open it up and let us see what is inside! (Wait for the child to open the egg.) That is so awesome! Congratulations!
That was fun but I wish we could have all won the prize. Don’t you? That would have been so much better. That reminds me of Easter and how we all have the chance to claim an amazing prize–an eternal life with Jesus. You see, Jesus did not die for just one person or ten persons, he died for everyone. Everyone can be saved if they call on his name. Just think of that! If everyone on the planet called on Jesus he would answer them all. He would save them all! Unlike this golden egg, salvation isn’t just a gift for a few people, or just one. Everyone–EVERYONE can be saved!
Are you saved?
Read more from Mimi by following her blog at Tools for Kids Church.

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