Thanksgiving Bulletin Board Ideas for Church & Sunday School

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Thanksgiving Bulletin Board Ideas
I like to have interactive bulletin boards for our church. I don’t want people to just walk by them, but to have input with them. It’s just a little way to get people to be involved when they enter church. This new Thanksgiving bulletin board has people writing what they are thankful for and lets others read it. It’s a simple idea, but it’s already getting input. I love it! It’s for kids and adults so EVERYONE can be apart of it.

I posted 1 Thessalonians 5:18 on the board. It reads, “in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” I also always have a Bible Verse posted somewhere on the bulletin board. I always want people to be connected to the Bible, no matter what they are doing. It is our life and should included in every aspect of our lives.
I used an orange fabric for the background, fake leaves for the boarder, and leaf cut-outs for where the congregation will write what they are thankful for. I also attached an envelope in the bottom corner to hold markers for easy use.
MORE IDEAS: Don’t miss our large collection of Thanksgiving ideas for children’s ministry. You’ll find many more lesson ideas and free thanksgiving coloring pages.

New Sunday School Curriculum: Our Bible lessons are designed to keep the kids’ attention and show how God's Word makes a difference. Every series is flexible enough for a wide-age group and affordable enough for small churches. Download a free Bible lesson in pdf or view our latest Sunday School curriculum for small churches.

2 thoughts on “Thanksgiving Bulletin Board Ideas for Church & Sunday School”

  1. Great idea! Love it!! I will use it since I’ve been given a message board and our admin/secretary said She hopes it doesn’t sit barren….. No, it won’t!

  2. I have an interactive bullitten board this month. The first Sunday of the month everyone was given a feather . Turkey feather of course, on the feather was “, I—-understand by signing my name that I am agreeing to pray for whomever festher’s I receive at the end of the service.” Than all feathers were collected we had a regular schedule service , before we were dismissed we passed the feathers back out making sure they did not get their own. Each week, as they come by the bulletin board they get a smaller feather that says have you prayed for your feather friend this week. All of this is a secret we are not telling who we are praying for, until the last Sunday of November. Than we will have a reveal your secret prayed for feather friend. Some are so happy because they are creating excuses to go talk to someone that they might not otherwise take the time to more than speak with. It is a joy to watch what is happening in my church, because we are praying for a feather friend.

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