Sunday School Lesson: “God, Our Heavenly Father, Cares for Us” Matthew 10:24-39 for Kids

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Lesson Introduction

Begin the lesson by welcoming the children and reminding them that they are all special and loved by God. Explain that today’s lesson is about understanding how much God, our Heavenly Father, cares for us. This lesson is based on Matthew 10:24-39.

Understanding the Matthew 10:24-39 for Kids

Read Matthew 10:24-39 aloud to the children. Explain that in these verses, Jesus is teaching his disciples about the cost of following Him. He tells them not to be afraid because God, who takes care of even the smallest sparrow, will certainly take care of them.

Application: God Cares for All His Creations

Discuss with the children how God cares for all His creations, from the flowers in the fields to the birds in the sky. Use the example of wildflowers, which grow and bloom without any human help, to illustrate how God provides for all His creations.

Application: God, Our Heavenly Father

Explain to the children that God is our Heavenly Father and that He loves us more than we can imagine. Just as our earthly fathers take care of us, God, our Heavenly Father, takes care of us even more. He provides us with everything we need, not always what we want, just like our earthly fathers do.

God’s Love and Care – Discuss the ways in which God shows His love and care for us. Explain that God loves us so much that He sent His Son, Jesus, to die for us. This shows the extent of God’s love for us.

Discussion: Trusting in God

Teach the children about the importance of trusting in God. Even when we can’t see, hear, or feel Him, we can be confident that He is there and that He hears our prayers. Encourage the children to talk to God anytime, just as they would talk to their earthly fathers.

Learning Activity – Drawing

Have the children draw a picture of a wildflower field or a bird in the sky. As they draw, remind them that just as God takes care of these, He also takes care of us.

Conclusion and Prayer

Conclude the lesson by reminding the children that God is our Heavenly Father and that He will always be there for us. Pray together, thanking God for His love and care, and asking Him to help us trust Him more.

For homework, ask the children to think of ways they can show their trust in God during the week. They can share their experiences in the next class.

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