"Reading Around the World" Program Idea

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boy reading a book in the summertime
I have created this Summer Reading Program so that my son would read more during the summer months. We keep talking about how reading is an adventure so I came up with the Reading Around the World theme. He will be working towards goals which then gets him rewards. Here is a run-down of the program:

  • He will have a “passport” to “travel” around the world in order to keep track of the books that he reads.
  • He will visit different countries/continents throughout his journey.
  • While on the journey, we will be doing various activities that have to do with the country/continent he is working on the goal towards.
  • Along with the activities, we will be learning about the country: location, continent, surrounding places, animals that live there, weather, etc.

This is a simple plan for any parents or homeschoolers who want to encourage reading over the summer break. Here are the printables that go with this program:

Adventure Destinations: This is a list of the reading goals that I have made for him. He is going into the 2nd grade so his books are short…that’s why his ultimate goal is 200 book. We will also be reading some together. For each goal, we will have made it to the next place on his Adventure Around the World.
Book Report Form: We will be filling this form out for each book that he/we read. They are in the shape of a ticket. They will go inside of the Passport Cover.
Passport Cover: This is made 2 to a page. Cut in half around the middle (not up and down) and then folded to that it looks like a little folder for the Book Report Forms to fit inside of.
My Reading Adventure Book Counting Sheets: These are to keep track of the books that he is reading. He is get a stamp/sticker in each box when he finishes filling out a Book Report Form for each book he reads.
Reward Tickets: These are the flags of the country destinations (except for Antarctica, which is the shape of the continent). You can then write the reward on the flag. Our rewards are family movie night, family game night, ice cream, a toy from the local dollar store, etc.
Destination Activities: This is just a simple list of a few activities that we will be doing while we are learning about each country/continent.
What do you think of this summer reading program at home? Simply leave a comment here and let us know.

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