Sock Monkey Sundays

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sock-monkeySock monkeys are a folksy craft toy that has gained in popularity the past few years — that makes it the perfect inspiration for a monthly theme! I’ve put the old noodle to work and come up with some fun ideas to create excitement in your ministry using this playful theme. You can use this toy for all sorts of themes including Noah’s Ark, exploring God’s world or even comforting others.
Set up a sock monkey display. Place the toy on a small table with a few others items to give kids clues about what the next week’s lesson will be about. They’ll have a blast trying to figure out what they’ll see next week. For example, SM holding a baseball glove and baseball could be about
Post the Sock Monkey on your ministry’s Facebook page. You could post him in different locations around the city, your backyard, even at the zoo. Take his picture and share it on Facebook or Twitter. Post a comment like, “Sock Monkey loves exploring God’s beautiful world!” Encourage your kids to watch him all week long.
Prepare a Sock Monkey photo booth. You’ll need a phone that allows you to send photos, a nice background and of course the monkey toy. Let kids pose with the Sock Monkey and send the photos to their parents’ (or their) phones.
Cut out giant Sock Monkeys from brown craft paper. Instruct the kids to color the monkeys however they like. When the artwork is complete, hang them up for everyone to see them.
Meet the monkeys! Invite all the kids to bring their favorite stuffed animals, including Sock Monkeys the last Sunday of the month. During the service, invite each child to introduce their stuffie, who gave it to them and how it is. You should participate in this too, even if you have to buy your own stuffie. Take a group picture with all the kids and the stuffed animals. That’s picture perfect!
I hope you love this theme idea as much as I do. It’s a great transitional theme for starting school.

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