Simple Ways to Encourage Your Preacher

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preacher-wikimediaAs you all may know, October is Preacher Appreciation Month. This is the time of the year set aside that we, as members of our churches, should remember our preachers. But why? Why should we show appreciation to our preachers?
I’ve heard it all: “They’re just doing their jobs, right?” “That’s what they get paid for.” “They only work one day a week, so what’s the big deal?” “They don’t have a ‘real’ job.” “We pay them, so what are they complaining about?” “I don’t get a month of appreciation, so why should they?” The list goes on and on.
I have to admit that I’m a little biased on the issue. You see, my husband is the preacher of our church. I see it from a different perspective than that of the other members of our church.
The “average” member comes to church, sits in the pew, sings some songs, listens to the sermon, and then goes home to their “other” life. For the preacher, they have no “other” life. The church IS their life. They are the go-to guy. They are on-call 24/7. They, along with their families, eat, breath, and sleep, the church. Sure, they answered the call that God had for their lives and, for most, this is exactly what they want to be doing with their lives. Their families have signed on for the same calling, even though they aren’t the ones “on-staff”. Many of our preachers and leaders of the churches don’t even get paid for their ministry work. They don’t do it for the pay or for the encouragement, but we all thrive on encouragement from others. Our preachers are no different.
It doesn’t take much to encourage these wonderful people. I know when someone mentions something about my husband’s sermon from that week, it really brightens his day. He puts his heart and soul into each and everything that he does. He wants to be reaching, preaching, and teaching those in our congregation and beyond. He wants to know that what he is putting his life into is making a difference. Just a smile and a special word helps him know that it’s worth it.
Our preachers, elders, ministry leaders all deserve encouragement throughout the year, but especially during this month that has been set aside just for them.
Here are some simple ways to let our church leaders know that we appreciate what they do for us:
~ a card
~ an email
~ a text
~ a gift card for dinner
~ a cup of coffee with you
~ take them out to have some fun
~ a word of encouragement
~ a good comment about the sermon they just preached
Believe it or not, the simplest things are the most appreciated! They give their hearts and lives for ministry, can’t we give of ourselves to encouragement them along the way?

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