Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego (Preschool Bible Lesson)

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Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego
Use this free preschool Bible lesson to teach younger children about Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. This story shows how God can rescue those who trust in Him. We welcome you suggestions in the the comment section to help improve this lesson. Feel free to share your own ideas to help other readers.
Bible Text: Daniel 3:1,4-6,8-14,16-17,19-28
Learning Objectives: After this lesson, the children will demonstrate an understanding of the story by acting it out.
Target Age: 2 year olds – 5 year olds
Gospel Connection: While this Old Testament story does not mention Jesus by name, believers often have understood the 4th figure in the fire to be Jesus in a pre-incarnate appearance. We should remember and teach children that God’s rescue plan is always related to Jesus Christ and his work on the cross. The mercy God shows us is based on the sacrifice of Jesus, not merely our own goodness.
Items Needed:

  • Bible, Daniel 3:1,4-6,8-14,16-17,19-28
  • “Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego” Story Booklet (download here)
  • 1 cup per child, rice, beans, construction paper, rubber bands
  • 2 pieces of black construction paper per child
  • 3 brown people cutouts per child &  1 person cutout made from white construction paper (download template)
  • 4 pieces of red construction paper per child
  • glue, scissors, white crayon

Preschool Teaching Plan

Welcome Activity: Welcome activities are things to have out for the children to do as they are arriving for class. These activities will get them engaged as soon as they arrive and will help the transition from their parents.

  • Make musical instruments with the children that will be used later in the lesson. Have cups, beans (or rice), construction paper (as the cover) and rubber bands available for the children. They will probably need help putting the paper and rubber band on. Make sure that each child’s name gets written on their cup.

Introduction: We are going to read a story about 3 men who only worshipped God. The king wanted them to worship him, but they wouldn’t. Would you?
Bible Lesson: Read Daniel 3:1,4-6,8-14,16-17,19-28 (NIRV) aloud to the children. You can also use our booklet (see link above) that has the story along with simple pictures to help the children understand what is being read.
Read the verses (story) to the children. If you are using the print out story, point to the pictures as you read the story so that the children can better understand what you are saying.
Active Listening: Read the story again, but this time have the children shake their instruments (from the Welcome Activity) during the first part of the story.
Discuss the Bible Reading: When you are finished reading the story the second time, ask the children the following questions so that you can know they understood it.

  • “Who was in the story?” The king, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego
  • “What did the king want everyone to do?” Bow down to his statue
  • “Did everyone do it?” No
  • “Who didn’t do it?” Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego
  • “Why didn’t they do it?” They would only bow to God
  • “What happened to them?” They were thrown into a fiery furnace
  • “Did they burn up?” No

Fiery Furnace Activity: “Today we have been learning about how Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were thrown into a fiery furnace. They were thrown in there because they would only bow down to the One True God – not a statue. Let’s make a picture to remind us of the story.”
Give each child a piece of black construction paper. Have them glue their 4 people cutouts (3 brown – 1 white)
While they are gluing, walk around and make sure that each child’s name gets written on their paper with the white crayon. Give the children their red construction paper (cut with fringe) and have them glue it over the people
Bible Verse Memorization:
“Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego replied to the king, “We might be thrown into the blazing furnace. But the God we serve is able to bring us out of it alive.” Daniel 3: 16 & 17
Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego: count to 3 on your fingers Replied to the king: act like a crown is on your head
We might be thrown: act like you are throwing something
Into the blazing furnace: wave arms up and down to represent fire But the God: point to heaven
We serve: bow
Is able to bring us out alive: walk in place
Daniel 3: hold up 3 fingers on one hand
16: hold up 1 finger on one hand and 6 fingers on the other hand
17: hold up 1 finger on one hand and 7 fingers on the other hand
Do this a few times with the children. Make it fun for them to do the motions and say the words. Involving them in active learning is essential for memorization at this age.
Worship God Parade Activity:
“In our Bible Verse, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego wouldn’t worship the king. We want to only worship God. Let’s make a parade to worship God. We are going to play our musical instruments from earlier and march around shouting “I Worship God!”

  • Give each child their musical instrument
  • Guide them throughout the room shouting and playing
  • If you have time, give each child a chance to be the leader

Evaluation: Have the children act out the story.

New Sunday School Curriculum: Our Bible lessons are designed to keep the kids’ attention and show how God's Word makes a difference. Every series is flexible enough for a wide-age group and affordable enough for small churches. Download a free Bible lesson in pdf or view our latest Sunday School curriculum for small churches.

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