Servanthood Leadership Ideas for Children

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Teaching Kids to Help Others

The Bible says in Matthew 23: 11, “The greatest among you will be your servant.” (NIV) Jesus showed his disciple the importance of this scripture in many ways. One notable one was the washing of the disciples’ feet during the Passover. One disciple, Peter, even protested. The task of washing dirty, dusty feet was a judge relegated to household slaves not the King of Kings. Yet, as he tenderly washed their feet, we saw the way to true leadership, through servanthood.
This concept is one that escapes many of us. We love in such a world that rewards the “top dog” or the “go-getter.” This idea has filtered into the church creating much frustration for everyone involved. However, it should not be that way.
If you teach children, than you have an obligation to teach them truth, as the Bible reveals it. Teach children about Matthew 23 then give them opportunities to put it to work. Here are some servanthood leadership ideas for children to help illustrate this revelation.
Talk to kids about God’s Kingdom. Tell them to people living on the earth the rules and laws of God may seem like they are from an upside down kingdom. Tell kids they should challenge their own thinking in light of the things they learn through scriptures. Encourage kids to read these “upside down” laws themselves and ask them what they believe the scripture means. They may have some interesting, true revelations.
When the study or lesson is complete, provide children with servanthood leadership ideas they can use to perform the scripture. Lead children into a brainstorming session. How can they lead, through servanthood at church? At school? At home?
Here are some suggestions to add to theirs.
At church…
1) Cover friends with umbrellas as they walk to their parents and their cars to protect them from the rain.
2) Provide members and guests the best seats in children’s church by walking them to the areas and welcoming them.
3) Wait on friends during snack time. Let everyone receive snack before you take snack yourself.
At home…
1) Tidy up our sibling’s room. Make the bed and take the dirty clothes out.
2) Empty all the garbage cans in the house.
3) Wipe down everyone’s shoes with a clean, damp rag.
At school…
1) Let others go ahead of in the lunch line. Do not argue about being first.
2) Bring a pack of fresh pencils and sharpen them all. Hand them out to all your classmates.
3) Serve the teacher by offering to wash the blackboard.

Need More Ideas? Then learn how to develop a vision for your children’s ministry or learn why children’s ministry matters.

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