Secrets to a Dynamic Kids Church

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Secrets to a Dynamic Children's MinistryWhen you hear the word “dynamic” used in a description of your children’s ministry, it’s a good feeling. No matter where you are today, you can infuse the dynamic into your kids ministry just be doing a few things differently.
Shake up your kids’ church by implementing these tips for an energetic, living ministry. Some of these “secrets” may take time to implement but you can do it!
Keep it active: Kids love God hugely. Keep the worship service active, focusing and leading kids to the quiet worship songs. I begin with three upbeat songs and end with one or two slow worship songs. During our first sing, we march, build human pyramids, chant and cheer. The second song, we snap fingers, clap hands and dance. We transition to our offering during the third song. By the time we reach the third song, we wave flags or glow in the dark bracelets up to the Lord.
Tap into kids’ gifts: Get kids involved in worship by allowing them to play their instruments. Ask them to bring a worship song. Kids love to sing, dance and draw for God. Plug them into the itinerary. Allow God to work on their talents during kids church.
Speak the names: Greet kids by name. When you know a child’s name and speak it, it means the world to them. Also, speaking a name, prophetically is powerful. Say good things to your children. “Susan, God has such great plans for you!” or “Jesse, your singing helps me touch God.”
Surprise kids: Shake things up in your ministry by surprising kids. Allow God to move the altar time, if He shows up during the offering or while you lead the lesson. Be sensitive to the leading of the Spirit, for example, don’t discourage kids from spontaneous prayer or ask them to wait. Be spontaneous and willing to change your itinerary.
Disciple instead of discipline: Anyone can discipline a child, rightly or wrongly but it takes a true leader to disciple kids. Pull kids close and let them see you work. While they put their hands to the plow, show them how to cope with tough situations. Lead them by example and team them as they work.
Plan ahead: The true secret to a dynamic ministry is preparing for the visitation of God. Plan your lessons, plan your goals, decide where you want to go. Then go there! You can do it!
Pray and expect: Don’t abandon prayer. Make it a point to pray daily for your children, volunteers and yourself. Put your ministry in front of God as often as possible.
Allow the new thing: God loves new songs, new things. When He begins to orchestrate something new, don’t resist. It’s okay to pray about something new but don’t automatically dismiss the new. One sure sign of a dynamic church is the arrival of a fresh, new anointing.

New Sunday School Curriculum: Our Bible lessons are designed to keep the kids’ attention and show how God's Word makes a difference. Every series is flexible enough for a wide-age group and affordable enough for small churches. Download a free Bible lesson in pdf or view our latest Sunday School curriculum for small churches.

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