Sanctity of Life Sunday: 5 Ways Kids Can Take Action

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5 Ways to Involve Children in Sanctity of Life
Because all life is important to God, it’s never too early to introduce Sanctity of Life to children. This is core value of the Christian faith – that all people matter because they reflect God’s image. It’s much bigger than the political drama in the USA regarding abortion or the pro-life movement. Each January is dedicated toward recognizing, educating, and putting faith to action concerning the efforts being taken to save and protect God’s most precious creation: life. Here are five ways children can be involved in Sanctity of Life.
1. Host a clothing drive for foster children.

“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” Psalm 34:18

There are over 400,000 children within the United States’ foster care system, so helping children within the local community is a great way to reinforce the value of life. Search for a local foster care ministry in your area to find out how to help. An easy way to help is by hosting a clothing drive to collect new or gently used clothing that can then be donated to a foster care clothes closet. One of our local ministries in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, Chosen Ones, sponsors such a closest and is a wonderful blessing to the community. Because we are especially called to help the needy, this opportunity safely exposes children to the reality of hardships while enforcing every believer’s responsibility to be the hands and feet of Jesus.

2. Establish a long-term commitment to foreign orphan care.

“In my distress I called out to the Lord; I called out to my God.” 2 Samuel 22:7

While some aspects of foreign orphan care are out of reach for children, there are simple ways God can use them to minister to and help provide for the needs of orphans. When you sponsor a child, it makes a lasting difference and promotes ongoing awareness in your group. One idea is to make birthday cards with personal messages to encourage the orphans on their special day. Another idea is to become pen pals with an orphan. Lastly, sending small monthly gifts such as handmade jewelry can do wonders for an orphan’s sense of belonging. By taking the time to deliberately reach out to children in other countries, our own children will begin to resonate with God’s love for orphans. If you are unaware of any reputable, gospel-preaching orphanages then ask your pastor, other church leaders, or even friends if they have any contacts who could point you in the right direction. Keep in mind that each orphanage has specific needs and protective rules, so consistent communication and understanding is the key. Then make the commitment to continually provide opportunities for children inside your sphere of influence to help the cause.
3. Dedicate spare change to save babies.

“From birth I have relied on you; you brought me forth from my mother’s womb. I will ever praise you.” Psalm 71:6

Across our nation there are hundreds of pregnancy resource centers who advocate for preborn life. By offering love, compassion, and truth these centers are a shining light for Christ and have saved thousands of babies simply by supporting families who face unplanned pregnancies. Each January our church partakes in a “Baby Bottle” fundraising campaign where members are asked to fill the bottles with spare change as a donation to our local crisis pregnancy center. This is a great activity for even young children because they will take pride in “helping the babies.” So consider starting a similar campaign to not only raise money but to provide awareness for the life-saving work of crisis pregnancy centers.
4. “Shout” for the needy and Christians who face persecution.

“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”Galatians 6:2

I recently noticed on my favorite social media website that people are quick to “like” or comment on something silly, sarcastic, or even downright rude yet seem to ignore posts that advocate for life. And this bothers me as a Christ-follower. One of the ways we can support Sanctity of Life is by aligning ourselves – privately and publically – to causes that matter. This is a little easier for adults, but children can be involved too. For example, there’s an organization in our area called The Great Need that specifically ministers to the Iraqi refugees (who are mostly orphans) displaced by terrorist regimes. They supply resources and endless amounts of prayer for the Muslim and Yazidi children, as well as the Iraqi Christians facing persecution. Tom Shiflet, founder of The Great Need, consistently requests “shouts” for the orphans. In other words, one of the greatest needs is for people to care enough about what is happening to enlighten and motivate others to action. So, how can children “shout” for those facing persecution? One way is to create artwork or jewelry that signifies the persecuted and telling others the reason behind their design(s). Another way would be creating a play or drama that explores what it would be like for the children to lose their homes and/or family because of persecution and then sharing it with others. Taking the time to identify with fellow Christians who suffer for their faith will give children a sincere desire to carry one another’s burdens in view of the love Christ gave to us all.
5. Pray for God to change hearts.

“‘Come now, let us settle the matter,’ says the Lord. ‘Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.’” Isaiah 1:18

Within the last year the Lord revealed to me a new ministry that provides spiritual, emotional, and financial support to those seeking to leave their employment within the abortion industry. At And Then There Were None the goal is to abolish abortion all together!
Their initial efforts are aimed by prayer for God to change hearts and then followed up through the provision of resources. While children could certainly fundraise for such an endeavor, perhaps a more age-appropriate method would be focusing on prayer. It’s important for the children we disciple to know that prayer not only works but that it has power. Teaching them to pray for people who face the daily pressure of ending life will bring legitimacy to the biblical command to protect life. Also, repetitive prayer will solidify their ownership to positive change and responsibility to lifts others up to the Lord. Additionally, children can create and decorate prayer cards to keep in their bibles as a reminder to pray for Christ’s saving grace to revive hearts.
We have the distinct opportunity to educate children concerning the Sanctity of Life. Giving them ample opportunities to act on God’s truths will help them cultivate a deep desire to be leaders who fight for the sacredness of life.

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