"Rubber Band" Bible Object Lessons

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Bible Object Lessons Using Rubber Bands
Reach in your office drawer and pull out a few rubber bands. That’s all you need to share these object lessons. Bring the Bible to life by presenting this important lessons to kids using these snappy visual aids. Of course, it may be hard to find a volunteer. People don’t like getting popped or snapped. You could really make this object lesson fun by putting on gloves, a hat and a heavy jacket as protection. Kids will get a good laugh at seeing their pastor afraid of a rubber band. I’ve dreamed up a couple of ways you and I can use rubber band object lessons.
God Is Longsuffering
The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance. –2 Peter 3:9
Who loves flinging rubber bands? I do, but I hate getting popped! It can really sting if the rubber band breaks. Has this every happened to you? What really hurts is if you pull it way, way, way back! I’m going to show you something about this in just a second but I want to tell you about something the Bible says. Did you know God is patiently working to save each person? He has endless patience because He wants you and I to be saved from sin. For example, this rubber band is like God’s patience. We do wrong, over, and over and over again (stretch the rubber band each time) but God doesn’t snap. (Stretch the rubber band a few more times.) That’s really stretched! If this rubber band is like God, He really is longsuffering. That means he has better and more patience than anyone else. Aren’t you glad? I know I am!
Stressed Out
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. –John 14:27
Who has ever heard Mom or Dad say, “I am so stressed out!” Maybe you have said that too. Who knows what stress feels like? (Allow kids to share.) Yes, stress can make butterflies in your stomach. It can make you worry, worry, worry. It can make you afraid of what is going to happen. Like this rubber band, stress pulls and pulls on us until SNAP! It breaks. That’s not how God wants us to live. He wants to give us his peace. His soothing peace helps us to feel brave, not nervous. Let’s read this verse together. (Read the verse.) Okay, I’m going to let each person come up and shoot a rubber band. Before you shoot it though, you’ll have to read this verse. Are you ready? (Let each child participate.)

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