Rose Object Lesson for Kids Church

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rose Bible object lessons
Even young kids know how sweet and lovely a rose is! The bible describes the Lord as rose in the Song of Solomon,I am the rose of Sharon, and the lily of the valleys.” (Song of Solomon 2:1) This object lesson allows you kids to see and smell the “beauty of the Lord.” By demonstrating with a rose object lesson, you will teach children the beauty of Jesus and His holiness. It’s the ideal lesson for kids in senior children’s church.
Rose Object Lesson
Supplies: Rose, vase of water, tissue paper
Prepare: Without touching the bloom, remove the thorns carefully. Place the roses in a vase of water. Keep the tissue paper nearby in case you want to hand out roses. It may be a good idea to have a rose for each child to take home.
Teach: I have a lovely flower here. Do you know what kind of flower this is? (Let kids guess!) That’s right! Roses come in different colors and sizes. What color roses have you seen? (Yes! Yellow, white, pink, red, purple and orange.) Many times we give roses to people when we want to tell them, “I love you!” Who wants to smell my rose? (Pass the rose around and allow all the kids to smell it.) The bible says that the Lord Jesus is like a rose. Let’s read the verse together. (Read Song of Solomon 2:1 together.)
Wow! What do you think makes Jesus so beautiful? (Allow kids to give their answers.) It’s probably because he is so full of love and grace and holiness. But what about thorns? I removed the thorns that were on here but most roses come with thorns. What do you think those thorns represent? Well, I think God is love but He also judges our hearts. Thorns are like sins. Sin keeps us from enjoying the beauty of the Lord. However, we can pray that God will forgive us of our sins so that we can enjoy Jesus more. Remember that Jesus tells us, “Come unto me, all those who are heavy laden.” Let’s love Jesus as God’s perfect rose!
Read more from Monica at Tools for Kids Church.
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