Parenting Book Review "One Million Arrows"

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My husband and I have two children with big dreams.
Our daughter speaks of becoming a doctor one day.  She takes our blood pressure and assesses our symptoms daily.  Her tender heart beats with compassion for those who are ill, especially in poverty stricken countries.  I love the heart that God has given her.
Our son speaks of becoming a baseball player one day.  At any given time, he is sliding into home plate, fielding ground balls, and swinging that bat of his.  He is a born athlete, (receiving none of this athletic ability from his mother).  I love the competitive drive that God has given him.
My husband and I have two children with big dreams.  As any parent would, we will fight for them to realize these dreams, sacrificing whatever is needed.  But if they only strive towards their own goals, they will fall far short.  Professional success does not equal contentment.  We want to raise children to change the world.  We know that we are not alone.
There are many parents like us out there.  It is our commitment and challenge to, “Tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD, his power, and the wonders he has done.”  (Psalm 78:4) We would all claim that we want our children to know Christ and to make Christ known in their world, but there is a grave problem staring back at us.
Julie Ferwerda documents this problem in her book One Million Arrows.The Barna Group’s statistical findings state that today’s Christian parents rely on the church to do most (if not all) of their children’s religious training.  Not only that, but they have no plan for the spiritual development of their children; they do not consider it a priority in their homes and daily lives; they do not have any spiritual goals for their families.
While submitting her manuscript to publishers for consideration, Julie received a rejection letter from a prominent Christian family ministry. While this publishing house loved the concept of the book, they stated that Christian parents seldom follow through in their commitment to “real life” spiritual training.  Therefore, the book would not have a market in publication.
Not a market for publication?  You have got to be kidding me!  Parents, if we are not committed to developing spiritual leaders in the home, then who is?  The next generation is going to be spiritually bankrupt if we do not start putting actions to our words.  And just for the record, I am speaking as much to myself as to anyone else out there.
We have got some prioritizing to do.  Is the world going to change our children?  Or are they going to change the world?  Without question, One Million Arrows is one of the best books that I have ever read on parenting.  It is a call to action for parents to be deeply committed to the spiritual training of their children and to live beyond individualistic mediocrity.
Inspired by the life, legacy, and passion of a man, affectionately known as “Papa”, Julie outlines a vision for sharpening our children with education, faith, and a heart to be launched into a world that desperately needs Christ.  She shares practical wisdom, personal stories, and Biblical truths throughout each chapter.  In addition, you will find countless truths collected from the parents of revolutionaries such as Tim Tebow and Alex and Brett Harris.
If you are a parent, I urge you to read this book.  It is a valuable investment in and of itself.  Our family has already implemented changes because of it.  Please give copies away, stock it in your church library, and tell others about it.  The more copies sold; the better.  All proceeds are designated for international orphan care ministries.
Many of us have children in our homes who dream big dreams; but none bigger than God’s dreams for them.  One Million Arrows celebrates those dreams and puts action towards reaching them.  Together, let’s defy the Barna Statistics and become a widespread market for this book’s publication.  For the sake of the next generation, let’s put action behind every word that we say.

This book is available from Amazon, additional resources available at the author’s website.

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