5 Simple Relationship Builders for Children's Ministry

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There’s no doubt – if you want an effective children’s ministry, you have to build relationships.  Though relationships take time,  here are five simple ideas you can utilize to demonstrate Jesus’ love to your students.
1.  Remember birthdays – Send out birthday cards/postcards to the children in your ministry.  Get a silly birthday hat from a party store or Oriental Trading and have the child of honor wear it.
2.  Snap pictures – Post a colorful bulletin board in your classroom or in the church with photographs of your students learning about Jesus and having fun.  This board will help contribute to a feeling of community;  a place where your student belongs.
3.   Keep a prayer journal – When taking prayer requests, write them down in one place to use on a consistent basis.  Pray during the week for that child and follow up regularly.  Mark down answers to prayer and praise the Lord for them as a group.
4.  Be their biggest fan– Go to baseball games, band concerts, ballet recitals, poetry readings, Awana banquets, etc – whatever your student is involved in.  This might take extra effort on your part, but it really communicates that you care.  In addition,  these events are great opportunities to get to know parents as well.
5.   Names, High Fives, and Handshakes – Welcome students when you see them with a smile, the use of their name, and a high five or something to let them know you’re glad they’re present.
How do you communicate love and concern for the children in your ministry on a regular basis?

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