Printable 30 Day "Book of Ruth" Reading Plan for Kids

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30 Day "Book of Ruth" Reading Plan for Kids
Ruth is a great book of the Bible for kids to read. It’s written as a story, it’s short, and it has great lessons like humility, loyalty, faithfulness, and working hard. I put this chart together to have my children, at home as well as at church, work through the book of Ruth. They can read just a few verses a day, mark off what they read, and soon they will have read the entire book.

It’s a short book with only 4 chapters and it reads like a story so it will keep their attention. It’s also about a woman of great faith, which will appeal to the girls in my classes. But, I think Ruth crosses the “gender divide” and appeals to boys as well. She is a hard working faithful woman who becomes the great grandmother to King David!
This is a wonderful activity for kids who are home on summer break, or whenever you need some structure for family devotional time. It’s a good follow-up to our 30 Day Philippians reading chart.

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1 thought on “Printable 30 Day "Book of Ruth" Reading Plan for Kids”

  1. I think the reading is a very good device for helping students stay on track on reading the book of Ruth. We are beginning the book of Ruth in my 9-10 year old girls Sunday School class. Thank you for the guideline.

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