How to Raise a Fake Christian

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How to Raise a Fake Christian
Raising kids that truly love Jesus is hard work. That’s why so many of parents settle for plan B.
What would happen if you were actually trying to raise a pretend believer? Here are some 9 steps you might take.
My point is not to encourage this type of parenting, only to point out where we might be doing it on accident. Click here to add your comments about this post.
1. Look down on others: Psalm One is sound advice, but it’s no permit for raising sanctimonious kids.
2. Practice route prayers: Religious habits can serve children well, but it’s no substitute for knowing God as Father.
3. Confess only acceptable sins: This sets up a safe duality, some sins you talk about and some you keep secret. The end condition kills any hope of real accountability.
4. Crank up the K-love: Our family loves to sing along in the car, but I never want my kids to think Jesus is an entertainment choice. Don’t let your kids confuse music preference for Christian spirituality.
5. Never miss church: Another good habit that can quietly becomes the basis of our assurance.
6. Pray aloud to your Daddy-GodI doubt Jesus has changed his mind about showoffs.
7. Buy the t-shirt(s): They may know us by the t-shirts we wear, but God looks at the heart.
8. In a phrase Prosperity Gospel: Children who want their best life now may miss out of God’s best later.
9. Lead by example: Playing religion comes natural when kids see their parents do the same thing.

Obviously we don’t want you raising fake Christians. I’m afraid this is what’s happening to many kids on accident. My point is to show how so-called christian behavior does not always equal belief in Jesus. For more explanation, check out what I said about over-churched kids.

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