PROOF Pirates VBS 2016 New Growth Press & Sojourn Kids

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PROOF Pirates VBS 2016 New Growth Press & Sojourn Kids
Getting excited about VBS 2016? We feel the same way!
Today, we’re looking at PROOF Pirates by New Growth Press. This five-day curriculum works for both Bible clubs and VBS. Using the acronym PROOF, (Planned, Resurrecting, Outrageous, Overcoming and Forever) children will learn that it’s not their works that makes them right with God. The playful pirate theme looks like it will make an exciting background for kids to learn what God says about them.
Here’s a preview from PROOF Pirates official website:

Chore charts. Report cards. Standardized tests. Athletic banquets. Kids are inundated with messages about their performance. Because performance—work and reward—is one of the basic structures of our lives, kids often grow up thinking, “I am what I am because of what I do . . . or because of what I’ve failed to do.” How different this message sounds from the biblical message of redemption by grace! PROOF Pirates introduces kids to God’s amazing grace through a five-day, pirate-themed curriculum for use in Bible clubs and Vacation Bible School.

This product is slated for release in November 2015 and will include a Directors Manual (CD), recruiting ideas, decorating ideas, child safety ideas. Printables, including bulleting insert and posters will also be available on CD. Expect original music, scripts and complete craft directions.
We’ll tell you all about this product after we review the sample kit. For now, visit the official website for more information.

New Sunday School Curriculum: Our Bible lessons are designed to keep the kids’ attention and show how God's Word makes a difference. Every series is flexible enough for a wide-age group and affordable enough for small churches. Download a free Bible lesson in pdf or view our latest Sunday School curriculum for small churches.

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