Preschool Bible Lesson "Being on God's Team" John 16:33

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Preschool Bible Lesson "Being on God's Team" John 16:33
This lesson teaches children that they should be on Jesus’ team.  The world can offer a lot of good things, but only Jesus can offer eternal life.
Lesson Title: Being on God’s Team
Bible Reference: John 16:33
Target Age Group: Preschool
Learning Context: Sunday School
Target Time Frame: 1 hour
Learning Aim:  I want to be on Jesus’ team.

Tell The Bible Story

Before the Activity: You need a football.  Optional: Football jersey or attire.
During the Activity: Sit together and tell the story.
Hold up the football and Say: What is this? That’s right it’s a football.  You might be hearing a lot about football right now because it is football season.  Does anyone have a team that they like to watch?  Lots of people have a favorite team.  These people support their team, cheer for their team, and watch everything that their team does closely. 
 Say: Today we are going to talk about another kind of team: God’s team.  Who wants to be on God’s team?  I know I do!  Let’s see what the Bible says about being a part of God’s team.   
 Read John 16:33:

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Say: Did you hear what that says?  In the world we will have trouble sometimes but God is bigger than the world.  God loves you and wants to protect you.  He goes everywhere you go.  You are never alone when you are on God’s team.  I don’t know about you, but I want to be on God’s team!

Activity: Make Jerseys

Before the Activity: You will need a paper grocery bag for each child. Turn the back upside down and cut a circle in the bottom of the back for the child’s head and arm holes on each side of the bag for the child’s arms.  Provide crayons, colored pencils, markers, stickers, etc. for the kids to decorate the bags.
During the activity: Give each child a bag (with the head and arm holes already cut out) and let them decorate it.  When they are finished they can wear it.
Say: Today we are making jerseys for God’s team.  Whenever you wear this jersey remember how good God is and how good it is to be a part of His team!

Activity: Football Toss

Before the Activity: You need one football.  Let the kids wear their jerseys.
During the Activity: Form two lines in your classroom and have all the kids face each other.  Throw the football back and forth in a zig zag pattern from one end of the room to the other.  Challenge the class to make it to the other side of the classroom without letting the ball touch the floor.  Remind the class that they are all on the same team and should work together.  They are all a part of Jesus’ team.

Activity: Cheer for God’s Team

Before the Activity: No prep.
During the Activity: Lead the class as you sing, or cheer, praise songs to God.  You can sing any song of your choosing but some good ones would be: The BIBLE, I’m In the Lord’s Army, or My God is so Big.

Activity: Review Questions

Before the Activity: No prep.
During the Activity: Use the following questions to review today’s lesson.

  1. Whose team do we want to be on? God’s Team.
  2. Why do we want to be on God’s team? Because He has overcome the world and He loves us.
  3. What did Jesus say he overcame in John 16:33? The world.
  4. Why should we all work together? Because we are all on the same team?
  5. What can you do today to show that you are on God’s team? Answers may vary.

Closing Prayer

Before the Activity:  No Prep.
During the Lesson:  Close the lesson in prayer, praising God for being victorious and praying that each child will stay on God’s team.

New Sunday School Curriculum: Our Bible lessons are designed to keep the kids’ attention and show how God's Word makes a difference. Every series is flexible enough for a wide-age group and affordable enough for small churches. Download a free Bible lesson in pdf or view our latest Sunday School curriculum for small churches.

1 thought on “Preschool Bible Lesson "Being on God's Team" John 16:33”

  1. God bless all of us to preach His Gospel around the globe.
    God is great!
    Our Lord Jesus Christ have overcome the world.
    Praise be to our God, the LORD Almighty.

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