"Prepare the Way for the Lord" Object Lesson (Mark 1:3)

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Prepare the Way Object Lesson (Mark 1:3)
Mark 1:3 gives us the mission of John the Baptist. “He is a voice shouting in the wilderness, ‘Prepare the way for the LORD’s coming! Clear the road for him!” How amazing to go before the Lord and tell people to get ready for him to come through! Teach kids that they can be like John the Baptist–they can help prepare the way for the Lord! This interactive object lesson doubles as an activity for a class of excited students. Ready to teach?

What You’ll Need

  • Box of foam peanuts
  • Broom
  • Electrical tape

Prepare to Teach
Place a start and finish line on the floor with the electrical tape. This will help you keep the peanuts in one place, at least a little. Before the class begins, sprinkle foam peanuts on the floor in between the lines. Place the broom nearby but out of the way of little hands.
Let’s Teach!
Say, “I want to tell you about a brave man who lived in Jesus’ time. His name was John the Baptist and he was a preacher. Not only was he a preacher but he had a special job–he was to get the people ready to hear what Jesus had to say. His message was to repent! Everywhere he went he told people they needed to repent to prepare for the coming of the Lord.” (Take the broom in your hand.) “He would go out everywhere, even in the desert and said ‘Repent! Ask God to forgive you because he is about to send his Anointed One!’ Some people listened and did repent. Some people didn’t listen and they laughed at him.”
“John didn’t care–he told everyone he met. He was faithful to prepare the way. You can be like John! So can I! We can help prepare the way, (sweep a path in the peanuts from one side to the other) and be a servant like John. Who here would like to be like John?” Kids will raise their hands. Choose some to sweep the peanuts away.
Read more from Mimi by visiting her blog at Tools for Kids Church.

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