Prepare the Way: Craft Ideas on Mark 1:1-8 about the John the Baptist Pointing to Jesus

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These crafts focus on John the Baptist and his role as the one who made way for the Messiah. John had an important message to share with God’s people, and he boldly proclaimed the coming of Christ. As we discuss this with children and remind them that they, too, can tell others about Jesus, these crafts celebrate John and his job. A noisemaker honors the joy of getting attention and making announcements. A map reminds us that we can point the way to Christ, just as John did. And just for fun, “bugs on a plate” are a reminder of John the Baptist’s unique dietary habits!

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Verses or Captions to Consider…  (Main Text: Mark 1:1-8)

As it is written in Isaiah the prophet, “Behold, I send my messenger before your face,     who will prepare your way, the voice of one crying in the wilderness:     ‘Prepare the way of the Lord,     make his paths straight,’”
 -Mark 1:1-3

 “And he preached, saying, “After me comes he who is mightier than I, the strap of whose sandals I am not worthy to stoop down and untie.” -Mark 1:7

I may not eat bugs and honey…but I can still point to Jesus like John the Baptist!

Message Map…Point the Way to Christ!

Prepare the way for Jesus!

Good News…Jesus is coming!

Craft one: “Announcement Noisemaker”

  • Paper towel or toilet paper tube
  • Markers, stickers, or other decorating materials
  • Glue and/or Tape
  • Scissors
  • Bells
  • Pipe cleaners or string


  1. Decorate the tube with stickers, markers, and captions.
  2. Attach streamers, ribbons, and jingle bells for flair and noise effect.
  3. Secure additional decorations with tape or glue as desired. You can shake the “announcer” or use it as a megaphone by speaking into it. Have fun!

Craft Two: “Bugs on a Plate”  

You will need:

  • Clothespins
  • Paper (construction)
  • Paper Plates
  • Markers or crayons
  • Glue and/or tape
  • Honey (optional)
  • Scissors
  • Pipe cleaners
  • Google eyes

1. Decorate your clothespins as “bugs”, adding pipe cleaner legs and google eyes, if desired.
2. Decorate the paper and/or paper plate with captions, verses, and additional pictures.
3. Attach the “locusts” and honey (if using) to the plate. Secure with tape or glue if you wish to hang the plate as a decoration. Alternatively, use the plate as a holding area, and use the locusts for fun gags with friends!

Craft Three: “Point the Way Map”  

You will need:

  • Paper or Styrofoam cup
  • Paper (construction)
  • Scissors
  • Glue or tape
  • Decorative supplies (stickers, glitter, etc.)
  • Crayons or markers

1. Design a place for the map to represent: it could be a treasure hunt of sorts, or a picture of a familiar place like a house or town. 
2. Decorate the map with pictures and extra decorations.   
3. If desired, make the map look old and authentic by tearing tiny slits and crumpling the paper.  
4. Decorate the cup and use it to hold the map safely.       

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