Popular Ideas for VBS Themes

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VBS Training TipsSpark interest in your event by promoting these popular VBS themes. These favorite themes are ideal for drawing kids who may never have attended church or your church before. Utilize these ideas to create a VBS your kids will be proud to attend and tell their peers about.
Archaeology is a subject that interests kids and adults alike. Use an archaeology theme at your next VBS. Teaching kids about past civilizations of the Bible lends to the ideal of continuity with God. Ancient Egypt, Jericho and Jerusalem are good civilizations to use at your Archaeology themed VBS. Use foam sheets to make hieroglyphics for an Egyptian museum. Build the massive walls of Jericho with cardboard boxes. Help kids create a replica of Solomon or Herod’s temple in Jerusalem. Set up a large area outdoors for an archaeology dig. Create a sand pit and hide fake artifacts like pottery, jewelry and ancient toys. While your kids dig up Bible history, you can help them dig up truths in the Bible. Wear khakis and lots of linen. Give kids sand bucket sets for take home gifts.
Game Shows
Game shows are fun to play and fun to watch. Make two Buzz Boxes to create competition amongst teams. You will need to make three sided plywood boxes for kids to stand behind. The top of the boxes should hold a light bulb that lights up when a button is pressed. Paint and decorate the boxes in a colorful manner. Paint neon question marks all over the box. After your daily VBS lesson, call kids forward one at a time to answer the trivia questions. Let them compete to see who the best game player is. Award prizes to the kids who answer the most questions correctly. Have a teacher act like a game show host. You could even give away corny prizes like a week’s supply of canned peas or bottles of bubbles. Buy Bible trivia to use as questions or create your own from the lessons.
Take your kids on a virtual safari with safari themed ideas. Set up classrooms safari style. Each time classes or stations exchange have kids be on alert for “local wildlife”. Teachers and volunteers can dress up as zoo or safari animals. Alternatively, you could play safari sounds like elephants and lions in the background. Set up funny cartoon animals out of cardboard in the lobby or auditorium. These make great backdrops for photographs and safari game playing. Butterfly nets and binoculars make terrific giveaways for kids to take home.

Need More Ideas? Browse our tips for Vacation Bible School or read our 2010 VBS curriculum reviews.

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