Poll: Which VBS Theme is Your Church Using?

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We’ve been bringing back some VBS reviews for 2016 but would like to know where your church settled. Take the poll above and leave a comment below.

New Sunday School Curriculum: Our Bible lessons are designed to keep the kids’ attention and show how God's Word makes a difference. Every series is flexible enough for a wide-age group and affordable enough for small churches. Download a free Bible lesson in pdf or view our latest Sunday School curriculum for small churches.

11 thoughts on “Poll: Which VBS Theme is Your Church Using?”

  1. Our church is small. Only paid staff are pastor, secretary, housekeeping. Finances are always a concern. We often re use old curriculum, which we purchased in the past, or has been donated from another church. This year we are using “Passport to the Holy Land”.

  2. We chose Deep Sea Discovery by Standard Publishing. As the director I love it! This is by far the easiest and the best VBS for our church that I’ve used. Music is spot on! The mission messages will touch everyones heart. The Bible lessons are presented in such a way that’s fun for the kids! I’m excited for VBS to get here!

  3. We chose Cave Quest…following the light of Jesus into a dark world
    because the Bible stories tell the gospel as they unfold His story from birth to resurrection. Although they substitute their commercial toys for crafts, we created our own crafts and just bought a few toys. We
    adapted the volunteer positions, crew size and menus to fit our situation. It was fun, cheap and easy to decorate with lots of rolls of brown craft paper and a creative imagination plus flameless lanterns,candles and Christmas lights.

  4. We are using submerged from lifeway and the music is great this year!
    Grace Baptist Church, Lufkin, Tx

  5. We are using Cowabunga Farms from Regular Baptist Church. Can’t wait to get started????????????????????????????????

  6. I have been doing VBS for close to 25 years. My family and I now do our own VBS annually in our front yard as an outreach to our neighborhood (adding two additional neighborhoods this year), as well as family and friends. There have always been some awesome curriculum’s and kits available. My personal favorite has quickly become the Go Fish Guys! Their music, graphics, ideas, technical ,…. everything, is so well done Nd it’s obvious their hearts are completely in it. They come with everything you need. Completely reproducible. Very affordable. I use their music especially in my 2 yr old Sunday School class as well. No matter what age, as soon as the music starts, EVERYONE gravitates to it!! I actually discovered them through a link on your site 4 years ago, when I discovered the free Armor of God curriculum you offered. They offer Christmas and Easter curriculum now as well. Thanks for helping me find them!

  7. Great curriculum! David C Cook has always been a favorite of mine! You will enjoy it!

  8. I’m using Cave Quest, Following Jesus Light of the World. I have made some changes to the curriculum to fit our needs. I love the music that is totally focused on Jesus and each story takes us through the gospel. I have used All of Go Fish Guys VBS. That has been my favorite curriculem!
    I do look forward to what God is going to do in the lives of children and adults attending vbs this year!

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