Pin the Corsage Mother’s Day Object Lesson (Proverbs 1:8)

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Mother’s Day is upon us! What an awesome time to honor to the mothers in our church. You’ll probably be busy leading crafts and wrapping gifts to send home with the kids but don’t forget the lesson. Usually, on major holidays, I do spend a lot of time crafting with our groups but I always take a little time to present an object lesson.
One of my favorite verses to use is: Listen, my son, to your father’s instruction and do not forsake your mother’s teaching. (Proverbs 1:8) Of course, it’s not the only verse you can use but I find kids remember it pretty easily. Here’s how to present this Pin the Corsage Mother’s Day lesson…
What You’ll Need

  • Butcher or construction paper
  • Markers
  • Push pins
  • Paper flowers (enough for each child to have one)
  • Scissors
  • Pens
  • Scotch tape
  • Blindfold

Prepare to Teach
Hang the paper/posterboard on the wall with the pushpins. Draw the upper torso and head of a Mom on the board. Outline the drawing with a marker and add a heart where the heart should be.
Cut out flower shapes out with scissors. Each child needs one flower. Place the pens on the table wear you will be working.
Let’s Teach
Guess what today is, y’all! That’s right! It is Mother’s Day. Mothers are so special. They do so much for us, don’t they? You can see that I have a picture of a Mom on the wall. In a minute, we are going to play a game but first I want to read this verse to you. (Read the above verse.) See, that? Teaching us things is Mom’s job. I bet if you try, you can think of something that your Mom taught you. For example, my Mom taught me to always share what I have with others. What did  your Mom teach you? Use your pin to write one thing on the paper flower. Tell me what your Mom taught you. When everyone does that, we will play a game. (Wait for everyone to write a sentence on their flower.)
Now, comes the fun part. One a time, I am going to blind fold you and give you the chance to slap your flower right on Mom’s heart. Let’s see who gets the closest. Ready? (Add tape to the back of each heart and line the children up. Have each child put on the blindfold and give it a try.)
Read more from Mimi by following her blog at Tools for Kids Church.

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