Bible Craft Activities: The Pharisee and the Tax Collector

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Download our printable Bible craft directions for these two ideas based on Luke 18:9-14, “The Parable of the Pharisee and Tax Collector. Then watch our example video below to see how-to make these crafts with your Sunday School class. Don’t miss our children’s sermon on Luke 18:9-14.

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Sunday School craft activities based on the parable of the Pharisee and Tax Collector (Luke 18:9-14)

Pharisee and Tax Collector (Luke 18:9-14) Craft Activities for Sunday School

Walk Humbly with God…and Don’t forget to Pray! Craft Ideas for Sunday School

Sure, you could do a flip-able puppet or coloring page for the parable of the Pharisee and tax collector…but if your students are learning the importance of prayer and focusing on God first, why not concentrate on the prayer aspect?

This craft will serve as a special reminder for students to pray at all times and without ceasing. It can be used as a literal “pocket prayer” or a decorative hanging prayer encouragement.

Bible Verses or Captions for these Craft Ideas

Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. –Philippians 2:3

For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be exalted. –Luke 18:14

Bonus Ideas:

JOY: Jesus / Others / Yourself

ACTS Formula for prayer:

  • Adoration (praise God)
  • Confession (Confess wrongs)
  • Thanksgiving (Give thanks)
  • Supplication (Ask for things last)

Prayer Envelop Craft

Craft one: “Prayer Pocket” Envelope

This activity will help reinforce your Sunday School lessons on prayer.

You will need:

  • Stickers (optional)
  • Construction paper or note cards
  • Scissors
  • Felt or fabric (optional)
  • Tape
  • String or ribbon
  • Markers/decorative materials
  • Envelopes (letter sized)


  1. Choose envelope or felt/fabric. If choosing fabric, use glue or pins to secure in a “pocket”
  2. If using the envelope, cut the top flap off and tape the sides.
  3. Add stickers or decorative flair, if desired.
  4. Decorate the note card with prayer reminders or prayer requests.
  5. Place the card into the envelope. Encourage students to carry around or hang in a prominent spot. Pray daily! 

prayer balloons craft activity

Craft Two: ‘”Prayer Balloon” Activity

This is a simple craft option that would be easy for younger children and preschoolers.

You will need:

  • Balloons
  • Permanent markers
  • Ribbon/string (optional)
  • Scissors (optional)

This is a fun illustration or optional activity to do during your lesson. If you prefer to make it a craft, feel free to get more elaborate and have fun with it!

  1. Blow up a balloon or two. Discuss how pride can “puff us up” and make us feel more important than God.
  2. Option one: let the balloon go and explain how we “let go” of God when we are too arrogant, and it can send us blowing away!
  3. Option two: tie off the balloon and help kids draw a face on it and give it a name.
  4. For extra emphasis: use scissors or a pin to pop the balloon. Don’t brag!
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