Pastor Appreciation Day Ideas for Children's Ministry

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Q: When is pastor appreciation day?

A: The 2nd Sunday of October is the Pastor Appreciation Day

When is Pastor appreciation day?

Children’s Sermon for Clergy Appreciation Sunday

The Gospel reading for this weekend is perfect to add some thoughts on pastor appreciation. It’s the story of when Jesus healed the 10 men with leprosy, but only one came back to offer his thanks.

YouTube video

It’s not an official holiday, but many churches mark October as “Pastor Appreciation Month” and the 2nd Sunday as “Pastor Appreciation Day.” This is a good time to teach children about the role of the Pastor and how they can show respect. Here are a few resources from our website that will help you get started.

Children’s Activities to Honor the Pastor

This 100% free download includes both coloring pages and three articles for showing pastor appreciation in your church. Just download and print – we want to make your ministry easy!

Pastor’s Day 2020 Coloring Pages

These simple printables are free on our website and a fun way to help kids think about the important service of Christian ministers.

coloring sheets for kids to gift to pastor
Download this printable coloring page for Pastor Appreciation Day

Ideas for Honor Your Pastor

How will your church show appreciation?

What will your church do this October? Will the members offer gifts to the pastor and his wife? Having been in this position a little something is always welcome, even if it’s a public token of the congregations appreciation. Don’t forget the pastor’s family – they often deal with unrealistic expectations and need the encouragement just as much as the ordained clergy.

How did Pastor Appreciation Month Get Started?

Minister appreciation is a wonderful idea and setting aside one Sunday to honor the work or preachers, pastors, and clergy should be no problem for most churches. If you consider the Biblical advice below, giving respect to those who share the Gospel is a command for all Christians.

Even though we agree with this show of respect – you should probably know that the history behind the pastor appreciation month/day is a little dubious. The guy who launched the concept later went to jail for defrauding his own church members. (Read more here) Ultimately, showing honor to Christian leaders is something the Bible commands, even if the “holiday” has a weird history.

Bible Verses about Honoring the Pastor

Use these scriptures to encourage your pastor. They are perfect for cards, notes, or text message encouragement to appreciate your preacher or clergy.

1 Timothy 5:17 ESV

Let the elders who rule well be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in preaching and teaching.

Hebrews 13:17 ESV

Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to you.

Galatians 6:6 ESV

One who is taught the word must share all good things with the one who teaches.

1 Thessalonians 5:12-13 ESV

We ask you, brothers, to respect those who labor among you and are over you in the Lord and admonish you, and to esteem them very highly in love because of their work. Be at peace among yourselves.
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4 thoughts on “Pastor Appreciation Day Ideas for Children's Ministry”

  1. Since men and women are pastor, a woman illustration would add to the pastor’s appreciation coloring pages.

  2. Today we also have transgender and shared bathrooms,as well as yes, women who pastor/preach.
    Jesus is coming soon and these selfish, confusing things are a sign of that fact.
    Women have a very important role in The Church. The Holy Bible gives instructions and examples of the 2 genders, and the 2 age groups (old,young) and the roles they are called to for His glory.

  3. Thank you for your illustrations, but I agree with the other comments, women and diversity would be a great representation.
    Again, thank you,
    Non illustrator

  4. As a woman pastor myself, I was hoping also to find resources reflecting my call. My call was extended by the national church and by the local church through a long discernment and study process. My call from God was affirmed by the church. No one along the way said that was “selfish”. It was a partnership of God, the church and myself in agreement. It’s really not that confusing! Also, remember, it was Jesus himself who sent out women (especially Mary Magdalene) with the Good News of his resurrection from the dead. I think he intentionally sent women to preach and teach in partnership with the disciples. It’s great you show appreciation to your pastor and teach that to children. In Christ each one of them has a calling!

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