Prodigal Son Coloring Page – Printable PDF

The Prodigal Son Coloring Page
Download our free Prodigal Son Coloring Page

Use this free coloring page to teach the Parable of the Prodigal Son. It’s designed with a mini story format to help children process the events. The main page has four panels that illustrate the events of Luke 15.

Directions: Have the children color the first story page and then cut out the four panels. These can be glued to the numbered sheets to create a framed storyboard. We recommend solid color paper for the number sheets.

Some teachers will use this Prodigal Son coloring page as a lesson illustration. We have also heard of children building a whole poster sized report based on this artwork. We love to hear your feedback about this free printable coloring sheet, simply click here to let us know how you will use the project.

Parable of the Prodigal Son
numbered coloring page

Story of the Prodigal Son
numbered coloring page

New Sunday School Curriculum: Our Bible lessons are designed to keep the kids’ attention and show how God's Word makes a difference. Every series is flexible enough for a wide-age group and affordable enough for small churches. Download a free Bible lesson in pdf or view our latest Sunday School curriculum for small churches.

10 thoughts on “Prodigal Son Coloring Page – Printable PDF”

  1. Beautifully laid out. Well done. Thank you for this lesson. I will be able to assist in our Sunday catechism better.

  2. What a fun way to teach preschoolers about biblical parables, thank you for sharing I can’t wait to use some of these ideas!!

  3. Hi there! Thank you so much for sharing this coloring page. I’d like to post your link on my blog for families to use for their family devotionals. What a wonderful tool!

  4. Thank you so much for sharing this coloring sheet and craft idea. I know my 4-5 year old’s are going to enjoy putting it together on Sunday morning . God bless you

  5. This lesson and craft will be a blessing to my 3yrs children. Easy to make and super easy to eplain
    to their parents. Great Job.

  6. I love the way you craft the story step by step. I will be using it for our children department. May God continue to give you more inspiration, amen.

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