Olympic Themed Games for Children’s Ministry

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Adopting an Olympic theme into your children’s ministry is a good way to encourage a spirit of excellence amongst your attendees and volunteers. An Olympic theme is the perfect backdrop for exciting kids’ games that everyone will enjoy. Get your curriculum ready, decorate your children’s facility and use these wacky Olympic-sized games.
Bible Baton Relay
Before you play this game, you will need to make ’batons’. Recycle potato chip canisters to use as batons. You will need one canister for each team. Cover the canisters, except the end caps, with construction paper. Use red and blue to keep in your Olympic theme. Write “Bible Baton” in black permanent marker on the side of the canisters. Write or print the Bible scriptures that you are using in your lesson on to slips of paper. Make two copies. Then create some goofy sayings and write or print them on paper. These should also be copied twice. Use duct tape to mark a start and finish line. At the finish line, place the scriptures on two small tables, one for each team. Divide your class into two groups. Gather everyone into two lines at the start line. When you blow the whistle, the first runner takes the baton to the table. He chooses the appropriate scripture, puts it in his canister/baton and runs back. A volunteer checks to see if this is the right scripture. If yes, then the next contestant runs to get the next one. If no, the original runner goes back. The team that gathers the true scriptures first, is the winner.
Olympic Obstacle Course
Deliver some exciting Olympic games to your kids class. Set up this funny obstacle course, play some Olympic music and watch kids have a blast. Mark a start and finish line with duct tape. Divide the course into three sections. The first section will be a mock tire jump. Use swimming rings to set up a tire jump. Place six blown up rings, in rows of two on each course. Tape them together with duct tape if you like. Contestants have to run through her first, stepping into each ring set. Next, lay a refrigerator box on it’s side in each of the obstacle courses. Kids have to crawl through this. Lastly, have kids move a pile of cardboard boxes from one pile to another. This is the strength training exercise. The teams that get all their contestants through the obstacle course first, wins!
End your Olympic games by presenting medals to the winners. Make everyone a winner by recognizing everyone’s efforts.

Need More Help? Check out even more Olympic Themed ideas for your children’s ministry or browse our listing of game ideas.

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