Olympic Medal Craft for Children

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With the Olympics coming up, now is a good time to plan a special activities for your children’s ministry or Sunday School class. Here is a great idea that I found on Cullen’s Abc’s. Watch the video below for a full demonstration. The Olympic medal craft uses construction paper, string, and a few other supplies to create this prize.
There are several different Bible themes this could go with. It might work well with 1 Corinthians 10:31, “Whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God.” You could talk about how athletics can show the creators glory. Be creative and have fun with it. You could even have a pretend ceremony at the end of class where you present the children with their medals.

YouTube video

For more great ideas be sure to check out Cullen’s Abc’s on YouTube.

Need More Ideas? Then check out our Olympic Sunday School games or browse other ideas for using an Olympic theme in your kids ministry.

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