Offering Ideas for Kids Church

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Being a cheerful giver is an important part of a believer’s life. Remember this verse? “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7 (NIV) Not only are we encouraged to give of our finances but also our time. It can be challenging to teach kids the heart of this message of giving but you can do it! Try these three offering ideas for kids church.
Penny march: Before your special service, let parents know you’ll be having a penny march. Have a large, plastic water bottle on hand for kids to put their pennies in. Play some old, peppy hymn and invite kids to march down the aisle for the penny march.
Adopt-a-child: One way to get children interested in giving is by adopting a child from another country or with a group that helps kids in need. Sign up with a reputable charity to sponsor a child in need – like Project Linus, Compassion or World Vision. Adopt a child, print his photo and place it in a frame. Tell your children all about your adopted child. Give them monthly updates and if possible, allow them to write the child a note or card.
Offering boxes: Cut a slit in the top of a shoebox. You really need a few shoe boxes for this offering idea. Decorate each box with a title like, food pantry, evangelism and tithes. You need to give an explanation for what each of these titles mean. Place them on a table and allow kids to put their offering in whichever boxes they like. It’s a good idea to track the offerings on a poster board so kids will see how the offerings are benefiting the ministry.
Children’s ministry leaders need to include a weekly teaching on offerings to their children. Like any other subject, repetition is your friend! Provide verses each week like Proverbs 11:24, Proverbs 3:28 and Luke 18:22.

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