Godly Attitudes: Object Lesson about Complaining (Philippians 2:4-15)

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Godly Attitudes: Object Lesson about Complaining (Philippians 2:4-15)

Do everything without grumbling or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, “children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.” Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky. (Philippians 2:14-15)

As a parent I have heard my share of complaints. Why do kids want to argue when they are in the back seat of a car? How many of you have argued with a sibling during a family trip? It happens a lot, doesn’t it? I have to confess, as a fellow human being, I have gotten in many arguments over the years and I have done my share of complaining. However, now that I know how God feels about them I try very hard to do it less. Does that mean that I roll over and let my sister take all the covers? No, but you can stand up for yourself without being ugly about it. And sometimes you just have to learn not to complain.
Let’s read Philippians 2:14-15 together.  (Read the verse with the kids.)
This is really an amazing couple of verses. See how the bible mentions shining like the stars in the sky? I’ve got a flashlight right here and I want to demonstrate to you what I think these verses mean. (Turn on the flashlight and ask a helper to dim the lights.) Look at that. Let’s pretend that this dark room is the whole world. It’s a dark place and people have to walk around in the dark all the time. You know why it is so dark? Because everyone argues and grumbles and complains all the time. Except for a few people. They are the children of God. (Walk around the room shining your flashlight.) Wherever they go, people can see. It’s good to have a child of God near you except when they begin to argue too. (Flick the light off and on.) Looks like that Christians are arguing! Oh no! You know what that means? (Turn the light off for a few seconds then turn it back on.) Thank goodness! They must have made up. (Ask the helper to turn the lights on.)
Okay boys and girls. Here is your challenge! Don’t argue with other Christians. When you do you make the world a dark place. Keep the light shining, y’all!
Read more from Mimi by following her blog at Tools for Kids Church.

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