November Blessings Calendar for Kids

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November Blessing Calendar
Well, November is here and I love to have my students get to thinking about the blessings that they have in their lives. I like to be involved in the “action” as well, so I have put together this simple November Blessings Calendar to help with that. Just simply print out this calendar and copy on to colored paper (if you’d like). Give one to each of your students (and to yourself) to take home and work on throughout the week.

Just follow the dates (they won’t match up to the day of the week). If it says “Nature”, pray a little prayer to thank God for something that has to do with nature. Whether it’s the cooler weather or pumpkins, it doesn’t matter. The subject is just there to get everyone thinking of different things that they are thankful for. Each week, when you meet back together, you can go through the list of subjects that week and have your students share, if they want, what they were thankful for. This is a great way to get discussion going in your classroom and it will show your students that they have so many blessings in their lives!

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1 thought on “November Blessings Calendar for Kids”

  1. Thank you. This is a great idea even for adults but definitely great to get little ones started on being grateful for the many blessings in our lives.

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