Noah and the Ark Coloring Pages

Noah and the Ark coloring page
Noah & the Ark Story Page

These sequenced Bible coloring pages will help kids learn the story of Noah and the Ark. The main page has four panels that picture the major events from Genesis 6 – 8.

Directions: The children should color the first page, cut out these story sections, and then glue them to the numbered sheets below. We suggest printing the numbered pages on a light blue paper if available. This will give the finished project an attractive framed appearance.
You can choose your download format above. The PDF document is ready to print, but the jpeg allows advanced users to customize the sheets. If you are teaching Sunday School, you can also use this project as visual illustrations for your Noah and the Ark lesson. Click here to leave a comment about this free resource.

Numbered Coloring Page
Numbered Coloring Page

Numbered Coloring Page
Numbered Coloring Page

New Sunday School Curriculum: Our Bible lessons are designed to keep the kids’ attention and show how God's Word makes a difference. Every series is flexible enough for a wide-age group and affordable enough for small churches. Download a free Bible lesson in pdf or view our latest Sunday School curriculum for small churches.

7 thoughts on “Noah and the Ark Coloring Pages”

  1. Thank you for all that you do so we can have a better way to teach children about God and what happen in those day
    Thank you so much

  2. THANK YOU SOOO MUCH!!! our kids love your printables. all of your curriculum helps our teachers be prepared for our kiddos.

  3. Hello Friends,
    I am an associate Pastor at Living Water Ministries in Tanzania- Dar es salaam. My main responsibility is to coordinate the children ministry . When i went through your materials i found exactly the answers to demand of children ministries in Africa. May the Lord bless you ! your materials serve us alot.
    Pst Johnson Sallah
    LWC Dar es salaam

  4. In Children’s Church I will teach about God’s keeping Noah and his family, . . . safe. These pages present a good summary of Genesis 6 – 8. They can help children think about and sequence major events in Genesis 6 – 8. Using blue paper as a background to the pictures is a good idea. I plan to add a sentence for the 4th picture about God’s care of Noah, his family, . . . I appreciate these pages — thank you!

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