No More Crying: Easter Bible Lesson

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This simple lesson plan is a great way to share the Gospel message at Easter (or anytime) in Children’s Church or Sunday School. It shows points kids to the future hope that Jesus made real when he rose from the dead. This lesson was written by Doug Wolter.

This Bible lesson is based on J.C. Ryle’s sermon for children called, No More Crying.  This sermon and other addresses to children can be found in the book, The Two Bears, (Grace and Truth Books, 2004).

Activities: If you have a longer class period, we recommend the following to extend the lesson. We’ve included several of the following in the combined PDF download above to save you time.

Kids Sunday School Lesson for Easter Morning

HOOK – Introduction

Today we’re going to talk about three places (you could draw simples smiley faces to illustrated)

  1. A place where there is a lot of crying
  2. A place where there is nothing but crying
  3. A place where there is no more crying

BOOK – Bible Teaching

There is a place where there is a lot of crying.

  • The world we live in (John 16:33 … in this world you will have trouble …)
  • What makes you cry?  Why do we cry?
  • Sin ultimately caused crying … pain, sickness, hurt, loneliness, death resulted from the fall

There is a place where there is nothing but crying.

  • Where do you think that is?
  • Hell is the place where there is constant crying (“weeping and gnashing of teeth”)
  • Hell is real, it is not made up – Jesus spoke about it more than anyone
  • Why do all people deserve to go there? (Read Romans 6:23)
  • How can we escape this horrible place?

There is a place where there is no more crying.

  • Do you know where this is?
  • Do a Sword Drill (look up Revelation 21:4 — volunteer read)
  • What do you think heaven will be like?  … Bible gives us some clues (Rev. 21:10-27)
  • What’s the best part about heaven? – Jesus is there!

LOOK/TOOK – Application

Do you know that Jesus cried when he was on earth?

  • When did Jesus cry?
  • Remember the story of Lazarus (May want to refer to John 11:1-44)
  • Jesus cried for those he loved
  • Jesus is a man and knows what it feels like to be sad and cry
  • Jesus is also God and He gives us life
  • Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life.  Whoever believes in me, even though he dies, yet he will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die.” (John 11:25-26).
  • How can you live forever in heaven?   Believe in Jesus!

Need More Ideas? Be sure to browse all our kids Easter resources or even more printable Easter Sunday School Lessons.

New Sunday School Curriculum: Our Bible lessons are designed to keep the kids’ attention and show how God's Word makes a difference. Every series is flexible enough for a wide-age group and affordable enough for small churches. Download a free Bible lesson in pdf or view our latest Sunday School curriculum for small churches.

2 thoughts on “No More Crying: Easter Bible Lesson”

  1. Thank you for your work and this website! It has been a blessing for my kids ministry to have discovered your website! Praying for you and the work that you do!

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