Mother's Day Prayer Ideas

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One of the best gifts anyone can give to someone they love is to pray for them. In fact, it truly is our duty to lift up the people we know and love in prayer. The Bible teaches us to “Honor your father and mother…” I believe that praying for your parents falls under this category! Build stronger families this Mother’s Day by teaching and leading kids in prayer for their mothers, grandmothers and all the mothers they know. I’m sharing with you a few prayer suggestions. Remember, for kids, the prayers should be brief, but meaningful without a lot of complicated words or concepts.
Mother’s Day Prayer Ideas: For Mom
“Dear God,
Thank you for you my Mom. She is the best Mom for me! I pray that you bless her with long life, happiness and everything she needs. Help me, God, to be obedient to her so that I may have long life, as the Bible tells me. Father, please give my Mom a hug today to show her how much you love her. Amen.”
Mother’s Day Prayer Ideas: For Grandmothers
“Dear God,
Thank you for my Grandmother. She loves you and teaches me about you. Please bless my Grandmother with a happy day and hear her prayers today. Help me, God, to remember the great heritage you have given me. Thank you, Father. Amen.”
“Dear God,
Thank you for my Grandmother (or Grandmothers). She loves me and does good things for me. I pray that she will have a wonderful day. Please bless her with everything she needs and if she doesn’t know you, I pray that you help me to introduce her to Jesus. I love you Father. Amen.”
Mother’s Day Prayers: For Mothers We Know
“Dear God,
I pray for all the mothers that I know. I pray that you bless them with health, long life, and peace. Bless the mothers who have sick children; bless the mothers who live alone. Please bless all the mothers with your sweet presence. Amen, Father.”
Read more from Mimi by visiting her blog at Encouragement for Christians.

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