More VBS Ideas Kids Will Love

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Vacation Bible School is so much fun when you use a special theme. With a little research, you can find an appropriate theme that will set kids up with the opportunity for a true God encounter. Themes help teachers plan their lessons, crafts and games. We have got more creative ideas for you to use at your next VBS. Here are more VBS ideas kids will love.
Space VBS Ideas
Children marvel at God’s creation, including the night sky. Take cues from kids and use space as your theme. Your theme name could be “Blast Off With God” or “To Infinity and Beyond.” Other titles you might use are “Starry Nights at First Baptist” or “Star Station Seven.” Take advantage of black out materials like black sheets and curtains to dim outside lights. Buy a star projector to use in your main auditorium or a classroom to make kids feel like they are at a planetarium. Center your lessons around creation or the scripture that says, “… while the morning stars sang together and the angels shouted for joy?” Job 38:7 NIV. Assign each class a large refrigerator box and have everyone build their own spacecraft or station. Space suits for a fun skit are easy to make. Cover a sweat suit with silver duct tape. Wear a round, plastic fishbowl for a helmet. Have space treats and play space themed games.
Beach Theme
A beach theme is ideal for a summer VBS. Decorate by making giant cardboard flip-flops and placing them in the lobby. Assign classrooms beach names like “guppies” for small children or “sharks” for older boys. Pin up festive beach towels on doors as door coverings. For a game, open two beach umbrellas and set them at the finish line. The umbrellas should be handles up. Have kids toss beach balls to try and “ring” the umbrellas. Set up sand boxes outside for small children to spend time in, under shade of course. For take home gifts at the end of the VBS, give kids inexpensive pail and shovel kits. Print adhesive stickers with the church’s name to place on the pails.
Host a VBS Rodeo Round Up. Rent a small Shetland pony for a day and let kids take turns riding the horse. During your game time, have hobby horse races or roping challenges. Allow kids to come to the VBS dressed up like their favorite western characters, minus the guns of course. Give your teachers funny western names like “Wild Bill” or “Miss Annie Oakley.” A rodeo theme is ideal for using rodeo clown characters in skits or as puppets.
Use these three ideas as a jumping off point for your VBS. The sky is limit when it comes to creativity. Shop dollar stores to find inexpensive items you can use at VBS.

More VBS Tips

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