Do You Have a Children's Ministry Philosophy?

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Children’s ministry can be messy. The main reason that it can be messy is because you, as a children’s ministry leader must deal with parents of young children. Most often that means you deal with young, first-time parents. These parents love their children and will kill for them (not literally…at least I don’t think). One of the areas where children’s pastors may experience some conflict is philosophy. Do you have a leadership philosophy when it comes to leading your children’s ministry?
My mission statement is simple: Jesus.
My vision statement is more complex: FirstKids desires to provide all children with a safe, loving, and fun enviornment so that they can come to a saving faith in Jesus Christ and grow spiritually in Him.
How we work that vision and mission out practically becomes our philosophy, whether or not we penned one or not. For instance, my philsophy as a children’s pastor is to partner with parents in ensuring that they are doing their God-ordained job of discipling their children in the home. Therefore, I invest fully in building relationships with parents through friendship and teaching so that they know that I support them in leading their families. Through these relationships I can build healthly relationships with their children. The parents know that I care for them and love them and their kids. Furthemore, I emphaisize that fathers are called to carry the spirutal mantle for their families. My philosophy starts with my theology, which influences my philosophy, which then influences my methedology.
How about you? What is your ministry philosophy?

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