7 Reasons Why Children’s Ministry Leaders Make the Best Friends

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Why Children’s Ministry Leaders Make the Best Friends
After nearly twenty years in children’s ministry, I can honestly say that kids’ min leaders make the best friends. Sure, I have friends who aren’t involved in ministry but some of my besties are straight up, die-hard children’s pastors. And it’s not just because we know all the same worship songs or because we all enjoy praying for puppies and deceased family members (that’s prayer time in children’s church). That’s all true but my preference is for other reasons.
Children’s min leaders are not worried about what people think about them—they can laugh at themselves. Most are comfortable with who they are and do not mind having some good clean fun. (Which could mean a pie in the face or kissing a pig.) That’s why I love them and I count myself lucky to be included on that list.
I thought it would be fun to share a few specific reasons why children’s ministry leaders make the best friends.

  1. When I am going through something, she shows up with the ultimate stress reliever—a box of new crayons and coloring book.
  2. She calls me when she’s headed to the toy store and neither of us have kids at home anymore.
  3. All my birthday gifts come with candy and classic cartoon DVDS.
  4. We hang out some weekends, planning children’s ministry events while binge watching Veggie Tales and our favorite ministry DVDS.
  5. We treat the after Halloween costume sales as if they’re Black Friday.
  6. When I ask for prayer, she immediately drops everything and prays for me right there on the spot. She knows the value of quick prayer response.
  7. My best friend has a soft heart. I don’t know if it’s because she works so closely with kids or because she’s just obedient to the voice of God but I love this about her. I love that she cries when I cry, that she laughs when I laugh. She means so much to me.

If you have a children’s ministry friend, value that relationship. No one is perfect but I can say that I love my best friend. According to some, she’s just a kids’ pastor, the lady that hands out stickers and prays over boo-boos but that’s just what they see. When I see her, I see someone who loves and serves God with all her heart. I see a giant-slayer. I am thankful.
Read more from Mimi by following her blog at Tools for Kids Church.

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2 thoughts on “7 Reasons Why Children’s Ministry Leaders Make the Best Friends”

  1. Right up there with some of the best thoughts I’ve read about servant leaders and great people to have in your life!

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